EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

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EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

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Just wondering which one i shall build...
I'm not really into choruses, but I don't have one yet and with all the great layouts Mark posted lately, it's time to build one !
So, which one would you suggest and why ? (And don't answer both ! )
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

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I have a real affinity for the Small Clone and have an original which I re-housed in a 1590BB to make it a little lower profile than the original so it would fit more comfortably in a 2U rack tray, and I'll definitely be building one of those now I can get it in a 1590B.  But the CE-2 has a lot of fans too and no doubt that will be a great sounding chorus.  They are both very similar with the main difference being the clock used for the BBD, but the CE-2 does have a bit more filtering.

So yeah, build both is the only answer
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

He he...
Yeah I think I'll go first with the EHX which will fit easily in a 1590B

And then the CE2...just for the sake of having both :)
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

i vote small clone. it may be because i'm a 90's kid and that was the chorus of choice back then, which is why i'm going build it. i'm still waiting on the ic's to show up.
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

In reply to this post by alltrax74
I haven't personally used a Small Clone yet, but I do intend to build one.

That said, the CE-2 is an absolute classic never-let-you-down chorus that can be tweaked to work in almost any situation you need.  I like how it shimmers on more subtle settings.  

Maybe it's because I'm an 80s kid.

When I built mine I had only been building pedals for a month or two, so it was a HUGE challenge, but certainly worth it.  I'm not sure if I'm really a fan of the mods, but if you don't mind wiring up a couple of switches, it might be worth it for you.

It is, of course, entirely possible that after I build a Small Clone and/or a Clone Theory (both are on my list to build) I might discover a new favorite, but it would have to be a truly amazing chorus effect for that to happen. :D  
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

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I'm with you Heath - I'm an 80s rock kid too

I had a CE2 for a while but replaced it with a CE3 (for the stereo output - I was using 2 stacks and it sounded gooood)  I wish now that I kept it though

I've got a few other chorus pedals in my quest to find the sound I want (which I suspect is probably going to be the CE2)

However I do quite like the Behringer copy of the BOSS Dimension C DC2 - very subtle and organic, and by all accounts extremely close to the original.  I never had a DC2 - wish I did, nice sound and sparkly colour

I did use a Small Clone for a while too, but preferred the CE2 - it worked for me clean and with amps (and pedals) cranked.  It is like most things, it depends upon what your taste is and what gear you are using.  I will probably build the Clone after I've done the CE2 - because the layout is there and it is toooo tempting - darn you Mark (I must have 150+ pedals on my to do list )
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

dbat69 wrote
However I do quite like the Behringer copy of the BOSS Dimension C DC2 - very subtle and organic, and by all accounts extremely close to the original.
Dude!  I snagged one of those too and it really does sound fantastic.  You really can't beat it for great sounding pre-sets, no fuss.

I found some schematic stuff that is supposed to be pretty close to the Dimension C.
  I haven't quite worked myself up to trying it yet, but in case you are interested.

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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

I started doing a layout for that because it wouldn't end up too big.  Then the words "PT2399", "Lock up", "Support" and "HELP ME!!!" started going round my head, and I thought bollocks to that!
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

Ha!!  Same here.  I look at it from time to time and get the urge to do it and then I focus on this image:

...and I move on to other things.

Which is a shame because everyone on that thread claims it sounds amazing (except for some noise which seem to be related to particular builds rather than the circuit itself).
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

In reply to this post by Heath
Heath wrote
I found some schematic stuff that is supposed to be pretty close to the Dimension C.  I haven't quite worked myself up to trying it yet, but in case you are interested.
Thanks Heath, much appreciated

But that is a very sad looking build  Looks like Mr Angry got to it
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

Ha!  There's a story behind it.

I built the original Little Angel Chorus (PT2399/Souls of the Damned-based chorus) and it nearly caused me to give up pedal building altogether.  It's a horrible little bastard steeped in a soup of Evil, Dogshit, and Sweat from Satan's Taint.

It would literally decide, itself, if it wanted to work or not.  It would make this beautiful sound and then I'd breathe towards it and SCREECH!!!! or just "...." like having a hot sadistic girlfriend with serious emotional issues.  For months I would use only expensive cables and only the best/most expensive of my guitars in an effort to please this pedal.  I thought it was me, but after some counseling and happy pills, I have come to realize I was just in an abusive relationship.

I got rid of the damned thing and life got better.

Then the NYE Little Angel Chorus got a layout.  I can only assume Mark was under the possession of evil spirits at the time and it wasn't truly his fault.  Regardless, I forgive him.

So, like the above mentioned evil girlfriend, the Little Angel Chorus walked back into my life with promises of better behavior and less Satan Taint.  Much like with an evil CD stealing girlfriend, those Promises were lies and just like that the Bitch is Back.  

Thankfully, unlike real live evil girlfriends, it is not illegal to take a dremel cutting wheel and fuck a circuit board up.  :)  

Now I am free!!!
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

so if i understand you correctly heath i need to take the little angel off my build list?

but seriously i know what you mean. i've built the catlinbread manx twice. once from a layout from DIYSB and once from a layout from johnk. the first one all i could get out of it was white noise, working volume and tone controls, but nothing coming through. the second bastard just sat in its box laughing at me. i debugged them for hours, and worst of all everything checked out. that is 1 of only two pedals i can't get working based on verified schematics. i'm thinking the bastards are going to be but in the bbq, i mean what better way to send off an evil pedal then death by fire.

and the worst thing is it just makes me want it working more. i mean come on, its basically a big muff, who can ever have enough muffs laying around , but with a bandaxal tone control to actually allow to you shape your tone rather than just muffle it.
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

Exactly.  It goes from "Pedal I want" to "Pedal I MUST HAVE OH DEAR GOD MAKE IT WORK!" and hours/days/weeks later you just have to ask yourself "why am I freaking out?  Do I really need 9 different chorus pedals!?"

Seriously, the Cardinal Tremolo is like that for me.  I have so damn many trems, yet for some reason, I NEED it.  I've tried building it three times, PCB - fail, Perf - Fail, Vero - fail... and I fully intend to try it a fourth time, heh.

BTW, I totally get that about the Muff with the Bandaxal tone control.  

My confirmed losses are:
Little Bastard Chorus
Cardinal Tremolo
Catalinbread Pareidolia (first build only trebly side worked, second build only bassy side worked, heh)
Catalinbread Galileo (No idea why!  I built the CB-30 and the Naga Viper fine separately, but after 2 builds the Galileo just refused to be)
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

Heath wrote
Catalinbread Pareidolia (first build only trebly side worked, second build only bassy side worked, heh)
Why didn't you put them both in the same box?
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

In reply to this post by alltrax74
Well... I'd build the CE-2. Both are great sounding choruses, but while the CE-2 is nearly impossible to get for less than 150-200 euros, the Small Clon can be easily purchased (2nd hand) for 30-35 euros, 50 maximum  if in mint condition, with box and manuals.

So, for me there's no doubt :P
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

Yes I know but I like the idea of having a pot for the depth control instead of a 2 positions switch
And that would be a keeper so I don't really bother about the market price
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Re: EHX Small Clone or Boss CE2 ?

In reply to this post by Heath
Heath You crack me up

Heath wrote
 I can only assume Mark was under the possession of evil spirits at the time and it wasn't truly his fault.  
I think Mark still is - he (and Miro) keep putting these tasty looking pedals in front of our eyes at an alarming rate which just make me (us) go - I MUST BUILD THIS ONE TOO

I now have tons of pedals I NEED to build.  And when one decides to be the stubborn ass and refuse to work despite all efforts, it becomes more of a grudge match - I NEED to get it working.  But I think I will try to remove the Little B Chorus from my list now, I can do without the emotional turmoil

Only problem is now I seem to spend as much time looking for all the parts I am going to need to build these hundreds of pedals - poor postman has aged 60 years carrying all the packages sent from China   I'm sure he suffers withdrawal when there isn't a delivery to my door and gets really nervous

On another note, I'm tempted to try one of those Behringer Dimension D copy pedals (with knobs in stead of switches).  Also just got a Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus which is nice sounding (haven't had time to open it up yet but Mr Screwdriver will be visiting to see what makes it sing)