Earthquaker Devices: The Depths / Monarch

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Earthquaker Devices: The Depths / Monarch

Howdy! I was really hoping to see more vibe pedals on here and was curious if you were willing to do a Depths clone. There are some pictures out there for the board. If it's too difficult for whatever reason, perhaps the Monarch (Orange amp in a box) would be possible?

I can also offer up a picture of Dr. Scientist - The Elements if you need one. Cheers!
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Re: Earthquaker Devices: The Depths / Monarch

I love the Dr. Scientist, so if you could post pictures for someone more qualified than me to take a peek at, that would be great! It's a pretty crazy pedal with a lot going on, so it might be a hard one though....

I believe there is already a layout for the monarch somewhere round here.

Pictures of the Depths are here;
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Re: Earthquaker Devices: The Depths / Monarch

Is it called the orange squeezer? I saw a copy for a green citrus pedal amp in a box. I'll snag some pictures of the Dr. Scientist when I get a chance after work this week.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices: The Depths / Monarch

In reply to this post by silasmoon
I posted the Monarch a little while ago in the contributions/layout section:
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Re: Earthquaker Devices: The Depths / Monarch

How difficult is something like the Depths? I don't see a lot of chorus pedals on here.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices: The Depths / Monarch

i think the problem with the depths is the same problem with the organizer, the rainbow machine, and the like from earthquaker, which is that there is a chip with special programing on it. that's why i found a used organizer on ebay for way cheap, i think i got it for around $30 including shipping. got to love finding things way too cheap on the bay.