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Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

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Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

76 posts
My pedal-related e-mails have stuffed with news about this thing all week. Priced right at $145 USD.

What appeared at first to be Yet Another One-Knob Fuzz, now seems like something different as per the pic.

Judging by the stomp switch, it's buffered. There's an IC, 3 transistors and a transformer or inductor?

Looks nice in there to me!

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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

559 posts
Looks like it's transformer based, with a latching relay bypass.

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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

61 posts
In reply to this post by Highsmith
Looks like the fuzz face with a pickup sim like the runoffgroove bazzfuss with some buffers so it plays nicely with others. It seems its the luxury fuzz face with all the quirks that make it great removed. I will still build it bc I'm obsessed with eqd and the 2 transistor fuzz face circuit.
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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

215 posts
Yep, I agree. Hope a layout pops up cause it sounds fuckin cool.
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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

610 posts
In reply to this post by Highsmith
I think especially the marketing is very interesting.. Like you said, it is everywhere. Wondering if more and more pedals will be hyped as this one will be from now on.

Normally a certain type of pedal is all the rage (I mean, name one boutique builder in the last 6 months that has not released a freaking Green Russian Muff for christ's sake) because an artist uses it or whatever or it's a forum's new flavor of the week.

Now so much more money is spent on marketing and whatnot. Walrus audio even going as far as making a freaking pretentious movie trailer for their pedals.

I mean, I love pedals, obviously, but really wonder if all this is necessary haha. I mean, guitar players research gear, watch demo's and buy something if they like it or if it gets recommended. Do guitar players really need to be swayed with a huge marketing campaign to buy a 1 knob fuzz (with a weird cut powersupply :D)?

I'm not sure what my opinion is about this haha. I knew all about this pedal before even having heard it. Maybe that's an annoyance of me. A company like JHS or Walrus can post a picture of an enclosure or announce it, and people scream 'TAKE MY MONEY' and 'I NEED IT' before even having heard the freaking thing.

A certain boutique builder even goes as far as not even showing a prototype, but posting a screenshot of photoshop and taking preorders for over 300$.

I'm sure they all deliver and have built a repetition coming up with good stuff or good clones. But is it just me that thinks it weird people don't even need to hear what something sounds like anymore? It feels like it's becoming more and more common, but that could be me.

Sorry for letting this out on your thread haha. I can't keep bothering my gf with my thoughts on some stuff and need to vent it sometimes.

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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

80 posts
Just watched some demos on Youtube (pedals and effects, proguitarshop, reverb.com, chicago music exchange). EQD has made some pretty cool stuff in the past years, and a lot of their pedals are on my wishlist or to build list, but in my opinion the Erupter sounds somewhat average (at best).
I like idea of a one knob fuzz, but I guess this is not the one for me.

I also agree with Marbles: I often don't understand the fuzz (no pun intended) about a lot of pedals. Some of them are so hyped up before anyone has even heard them. Or people are like: "I really love company X, their previous pedals were great, so the next ones are definitely going to be as good or even better."
Just my 2 cents :)
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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

384 posts
In reply to this post by Marbles
I just think it's weird not to have a volume pot on a fuzz...
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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

174 posts
In reply to this post by BassVD
I felt the same about King of Tone.. I mean, it's not bad or anything, I just don't really see what's so special about that pedal. It is a nice overdrive and that's it.
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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

76 posts
In reply to this post by Marbles
No, no, thanks for responding. It's true, the hype that surrounds new pedals these days is unprecedented.

There are so many manufacturers now, you have to wonder when the market will be fully saturated and take a major downfall.

It seems like when I was kid there was basically DOD (which I could afford) and Boss (which I couldn't). Plus, Proco, which was basically a one model company.  I'm sure there were some others (Ibanez comes to mind) but nothing like today.

I mean, who is buying all of these pedals?

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Re: Earthquaker Erupter---Thoughts?

610 posts
Haha, i wonder about that too sometimes. The saturation has had a good effect too though. Some of the pedal designs we have seen in the last few years are truly bizarre and original I think.

Also EQD has come up with some great pedals and I really respect the company. But out of all pedals they release, to be hyping this one..

I remember the good old days too haha. In the Netherlands it wasn't about which brand, it was about which BOSS pedal cause that would be about the only brand too haha