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Effect Loops with Mix Knob

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Effect Loops with Mix Knob

Tune Tone
110 posts
Hey Guys
I'm pretty sure what I'm aiming is pretty common.
I want to build a box with a simple Send / Return option with a Mix Pot that can Mix the Wet signal on to the Dry one.

It's important to note not to Blend between Dry or Wet
but to - Mix the Wet on to the Dry.

I'm saying this because I just build today 2 projects on the website which wasn't what I'm aiming for. These were the 'Split N Blend' and 'Mini JFET Blend'

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Re: Effect Loops with Mix Knob

384 posts
I don't recall seeing such a thing existing as a standalone project (e.g. with a vero already) but you just need something like the input and output stage of a delay; There's usually a buffered input with the output of this buffer split to a dry path resistor and the delay chip input, and the delay path output and dry resistor both go to an output stage, with the delay depth pot varying the level of the delay signal sent into the mixer/output stage (which has a slight boost to offset the dry resistor's attenuation and keep the dry signal at unity). You would just loose the whole delay section and replace with your send/return loop, and a depth pot would  just be a volume pot at the end of the wet path after the return jack that would allow you to blend the fx onto a fixed level dry signal. The deep blue delay has a simple dual opamp version that would probably work fine.
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Re: Effect Loops with Mix Knob

Neil mcNasty
415 posts
In reply to this post by Tune Tone
Have you considered this one?:http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.no/search?q=paralooper

If you replace the Blend pot with two Volume pots (from Blend 1 and 3 to each pot's lug 3 + both lug 1's to Ground) and then wire both Volume pot lug 2's to Blend 2 on the layout via a 100R resistor (so that they do not affect each other), then you should have separate volume controls for dry and wet...

I'v built it, and it is an excellent circuit that can be used in many different ways...
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Re: Effect Loops with Mix Knob

1993 posts
Neil mcNasty wrote
Have you considered this one?:http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.no/search?q=paralooper

If you replace the Blend pot with two Volume pots (from Blend 1 and 3 to each pot's lug 3 + both lug 1's to Ground) and then wire both Volume pot lug 2's to Blend 2 on the layout via a 100R resistor (so that they do not affect each other), then you should have separate volume controls for dry and wet...

I'v built it, and it is an excellent circuit that can be used in many different ways...
Have you actually done this successfully? I don't see how the volume pots won't interact with each other when you have them both connected to one buffer.

With the 100Ω resistors, when one pot is turned all the way down, the other has only 200Ω from ground. That seems like it would be significantly interactive to me

In my opinion, each volume pot should send it's output to seperate buffers, who's outputs can then be summed together without volume pot interaction