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Flux Pen - anyone use them?

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Flux Pen - anyone use them?

226 posts
Have been thinking about getting and using a flux pen to help my soldering - it's improving from when I first started, but I'm still getting a few 'blobs' now and again...I had to switch from NTE Kester 63/37 to MG Chemicals 60/40 (the only store in town ran out), and it's not as 'forgiving' as the NTE for a novice like me.

Just interested to know if anyone's using them, and so on.  
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Re: Flux Pen - anyone use them?

1993 posts
Not the pen, but I use a little dab of flux (and sandpaper) to help joints on the back of pots, etc

The pen seems like a nice idea, I’m sure it works great. If the solder is not sticking to your metal, sometimes scuffing it up with some sandpaper does more than the flux
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Re: Flux Pen - anyone use them?

226 posts
Travis wrote
If the solder is not sticking to your metal, sometimes scuffing it up with some sandpaper does more than the flux
Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a try. I picked up a pen today, and plan on testing it out tonight.
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Re: Flux Pen - anyone use them?

Silver Blues
1220 posts
If you're going to use MG solder then I would recommend trying the #4860, it's a no-clean 63/37 that I think you may enjoy. I used to use this really nice 3% silver solder that was so awesome but it's become nearly impossible to find anymore so I started to use this and it's almost as good. I just find the eutectic composition solders to have much better working properties.
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Re: Flux Pen - anyone use them?

226 posts
Silver Blues wrote
If you're going to use MG solder then I would recommend trying the #4860, it's a no-clean 63/37 that I think you may enjoy. I used to use this really nice 3% silver solder that was so awesome but it's become nearly impossible to find anymore so I started to use this and it's almost as good. I just find the eutectic composition solders to have much better working properties.
I picked up the MG because my local store (there's only one in all of Mpls-St. Paul that sells decent electronic supplies - Micro Center) was out of my preferred brand - NTE (part #83-6337-0027). That solder just seemed to work brilliantly.

The MG I have is 60/40 (#4894), and I'm starting to regret I didn't get the 63/37 when I was there. Didn't get a chance to try it with the flux pen last night, but if I'm still having issues, I may just bite the bullet and order a roll of the NTE Kester from Amazon after Xmas.
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Re: Flux Pen - anyone use them?

226 posts
In reply to this post by tracer03
So, tried out the flux pen on a quick build today - Earthquaker Bellows - and it definitely helped. I started with the resistors, 'dotted' the stripboard with the pen before I added components, and it seemed that the solder went exactly where I wanted/needed it to go with no blobs/pooling.

Where it was really noticeable was after the board was finished (components and wire) -- knifing the strips was a breeze, and the circuit fired up right off the bat.

Best $7 spent so far!