Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

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Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

Has anyone seen this film?  http://www.fuzzthemovie.com/

I watched it last night (it's on Netflix) and it was a little old, 2007 I think, but it was interesting.  It had interviews with people whose names I knew (mostly from this site) but had never seen or heard before.  They had Bjorn from BJF, Death By Audio guys, analogman, Zach Vex, Mike Matthews, Robert Keeley, The Timmy guy (whose names escapes me at the moment), the Way Huge guy as well as others.  Pretty cool to hear their views on pedals, each other and the business.  The direction is heavy handed and weird, with the director demoing pedals with increasing odd foot wear, but there it is.  Most of you won't learn anything new, I'll wager, but it was a nice expenditure of 90 minutes.
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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

I must say i am a recent addicted into Fuzz pedals. First time you know, this was just for fun. I tried once in front the amp, and i got that crazy sensation. For a while, i was thinking i could come back to the distortion pedals anytime. In really tiried to reproduce that sensation - low gain, medium gain, high gain... but it didnĀ“t work. I was in need of more. Just under the effect of a fuzz, i got that raw magic. I start to spend a lot of money.  A lot of pedals, that i started to hide under the bed... you know, a wife cannot always understand this fetiche. I wanted all of them... everyone with their specific flavour. I am sure a fuzz addict have not other way than learn to build them.

This is fiction, but surely based on real facts.

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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

In reply to this post by piltdownman
:) I've seen it already 2 or 3 times I think :)
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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

In reply to this post by piltdownman
Thanks for sharing !
(the Timmy guy is Paul Cochrane)
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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

In reply to this post by boratto
boratto wrote
I was in need of more. Just under the effect of a fuzz, i got that raw magic. I start to spend a lot of money.  A lot of pedals, that i started to hide under the bed... you know, a wife cannot always understand this fetiche. I wanted all of them... everyone with their specific flavour. I am sure a fuzz addict have not other way than learn to build them.
Hahaahahah!    That cracked me up, dude.  Love it.
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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

My favourite ones are the ones were J Mascis stands against a wall of Big Muffs and he's basically like "Yeah, I like Big Muffs" and EHX factory with Mike being friendly with all the soldering ladies. Anderton was pretty cool too!
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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

In reply to this post by piltdownman
whats the name of the movie. i looked on netflix for fuzz and couldn't find it. i've heard there might be a cameo by IvIark or mirosol. any truth to the rumor?
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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

haha, totally agree tom. iggy, the name of the movie is the title of the thread "Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World." not sure if mark is in it, but i can tell you its on youtube, so you can stream it whenever for free. i watched it while building my russian muff. amazing film.
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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

thanks i thought it was on netflix, but i'll go find it on YT. and if that not mark in there. who keeps saying try any opamp and output is at vol 2? lol.

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Re: Fuzz The Sound That Revolutionized The World

In reply to this post by piltdownman
http://www.synthtopia.com has it too :)
check out my building blog at www.parasitstudio.se