Fuzz face pcb fabrication

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Fuzz face pcb fabrication

Firstly, I do not know the first thing on how you go about creating a pcb. I understand there are companies that will fabricate them for you but I do not know what to ask for.

I'm looking for fuzz face pcb's like the ones found here


Any help on how to get some made would be appreciated.

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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

Have you tried Das mate?
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

They look good but the problem is, I have loads of phillips mojo caps etc to use that wouldn't fit on those. I've just been reading/watching a bit about etching pcb's.. that looks like an option but that would mean getting a laser printer, then the correct toner etc and then lost interest lol
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

In reply to this post by Milkit
On further reading I've found there to be a thing called an 'etch pen', so theoretically I can draw it onto the copper board, etch solution etc and bingo. As the fuzz face circuit is fairly small, I think this might be a good way of doing it. Problem is,

any recommendations on the best way to get a transfer onto the copper so I can just trace the circuit with the etch pen? As opposed to free handing it and it looking like a 4 yr olds art project
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

Sorry mate, only just noticed your email.  I don't know who can fabricate this kind of board, but yes, because it's such a simple design the etch pen would be a good idea.  And it doesn't matter too much if you just do things approximately with axial components.
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

In reply to this post by Vince
http://gaussmarkov.net/wordpress/circuits/fuzzy-logic/   for pCB layout

http://oshpark.com/ to make the boards

as a note I have made anorder from OSHpark for some big muff boards but I have not recieved them yet so I can not vouch for the service yet.

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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

In reply to this post by IvIark
No worries Mark ;) I can resize the template to fit the axial caps too. Just need to remember to flip the + & - for the silicon version.

I got these for a start, see how it goes. Should be fun trying if anything else



They look good Vick but the problem I have is I'm using big axial caps so making them fit would be a pain, and messy.
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

In reply to this post by Vince
You can try this stuff mate

Sticks like shit to a bears arse fur, just remember not to chuck out your old cereal boxes!

Either that, or you can buy these

Bespoke like a bastard!  
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication


Great idea mate. I'll keep those bookmarked for if/when I balls up the etching
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

Cool man.  Failing that, try these

I've had reasonable results with em, plus you get the roundels too.   Just rub lightly with a blunt object & you're good to go dude!
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

Cheers mate, they might come in handy to keep things neater. I never new any of this stuff existed.
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

No worries bud.  Last one:  If you get into it, my favourite method & the one I use the most (9 times out of 10) is the Photoresist method  (but I just use a std lamp!  You'll see what I mean)

This is where you'll need a laser printer, although you can use an inkjet with std copier paper & use this shit to make your transparencies.  Take a bit longer to expose, but has the same results.  

Plus you get to fanny around with more chemicals & who doesn't love that?  Not me! ;0)

Enjoy buddy!
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: Fuzz face pcb fabrication

Cool video mate. Loads if great ideas. I'll see how I get on with the pen thing first and if I get into that I may invest in a laser printer and go from there.

Thanks again buddy