G2d cream tone

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G2d cream tone

Hey having a problem with my most recent build. Building this.        http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2013/06/g2d-cream-tone.html?m=1 
With this offboard wiring
I have the solo switch(left in pics) wired as a dpdt
When i click it on i get the same as the bypassed signal. The only knob that works is the master. On 0 it is silent, on 5 its the same as bypassed and on 10 its silent.
Took multiple pics of the top of the board wires were in the way. Help please! Thanks!
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Re: G2d cream tone

i'm kinda confused as to what's the problem and what you did. if i understand correctly the only thing you did differently from what it sats on the layout is you used a dpdt switch for the solo switch instead of an spdt, and the effect works except when you engage the solo switch. from what i see in your pictures is a few things.

1 - if you're using a dpdt switch instead of a dpdt switch you have half of the switch not connected, and you should connect lugs 2 & 5, and 1 & 4. as you have it the switch can't do it's job.

2 - it looks like you have too multiple ground connected to the board in odd locations, but that could be due to the angle of the pictures.
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Re: G2d cream tone

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In reply to this post by Pasq13
Yeah I've quadruple checked the wire placements. The pedal passes signal when its on. the tone and drive controls don't work at all. The volume has a sweep but it sweeps from no sound to the same sound when its bypassed then back to no sound. The actual effect part of the pedal is not working. If the solo switch was wired incorrectly would it cause this problem? And if so, how should i wire it? I've only built single stomp pedals so far and the vero doesn't give a diagram of how they want it. Thanks!
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Re: G2d cream tone

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There's no telling what that switch wiring might result in, but you need a SPDT on/on switch. If you are using a 3PDT on/off switch the same as your bypass switch, it's not going to work right at all.

Assuming you are using a SPDT on/on, you wire it like this:

1     Lug 1 to Solo Sw1 on the board
2     Lug 2 (middle lug) to Solo Sw2 on the board
3     Lug 3 to middle lug of the solo pot

If you use a DPDT switch with lugs like this:

1  4
2  5
3  6

 you just wire one column of lugs, and leave the other column empty. So just use either123 or 456, it does not matter which.

Same with a 3PDT numbered like this:

1  4  7
2  5  8
3  6  9

But the main thing is that your switch needs to be on/on.
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Re: G2d cream tone

And if i want the led indicator?
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Re: G2d cream tone

In reply to this post by Beaker
Beaker wrote
There's no telling what that switch wiring might result in, but you need a SPDT on/on switch. If you are using a 3PDT on/off switch the same as your bypass switch, it's not going to work right at all.


...with a 3PDT numbered like this:

1  4  7
2  5  8
3  6  9

But the main thing is that your switch needs to be on/on.
I don't understand what you're saying, Beaker. 3PDT stomp switches are on/on. There's no such thing as 3PDT on/off switch.

Making assumptions about what the lugs are attached to, the solo switch looks like it's wired correctly, with a solo indicator led on the 2nd pole. But those assumptions could be wrong.

The fault sounds like it's caused by a wiring mistake somewhere, possibly on a pot or ont the bypass switch, but it's too difficult to trace the wiring from the pictures. What would help: at least one clear photo the entire top of the board, at least one clear photo with all wiring visible, individual photos that make it clear what the wires on the pots and the switches are connected to. Voltages are a good idea too.
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Re: G2d cream tone

Well colour me embarassed. Of course they are on/on.

My minds going Dave...  Diaisy, Daisy, giveme you answer do........
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Re: G2d cream tone


Voltages are
1. 4.75  14. 4.76
2. 4.75  13. 4.76
3. 2.41  12. 4.73
4. 9.37  11. 0.00
5. 4.68  10. 4.74
6. 4.76    9. 4.77
7. 4.76    8. 4.76

1. 4.68   8. 9.37
2. 4.67   7. 8.77
3. 4.53   6. 8.77
4. 0.00   5. 0.00
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Re: G2d cream tone

Ok so i went over it again and i had a 2.2uf cap instead of the 22uf. Now when i turn it on there's very little drive and with the vol up it squeals. When its low it sounds like a cocked wah. This is an unhappy pedal!
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Re: G2d cream tone

The voltages look fine, and I haven't found any wiring or build mistakes.

Time for an audio probe, I think.
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Re: G2d cream tone

Ed Nice
Looking at your original pics, on the fifth down [a partial view of the solder side of the board], you have used vero with slightly offset holes and it seems like your left most 'cut' hasn't completely removed all the copper. I've had this a few times.

It's worth checking all your custs and also cutting between each row, just to be sure.