has anyone any experience of these? they're listed on evilbay by most sellers as similar / eqivilent of AC125 and at what look to be quite good prices for batches of 20 - 50 pieces.
Are they useable? are they consistant? and how leaky are they?
As Beaker said, I'm not aware of anyone that has tried these for fuzzes (first I've heard of them as well)
They're certainly cheap enough to give it a shot. I'd probably try the GS109C first since that aught to have a higher hfe sorting which should be ideal for your needs. I see our Bulgarian comrade has 100x GS109C for under $20 shipped.. Doesn't get much cheaper than that at under 20¢ each
pretty much what I was thinking. At the price I might as Beaker says 'take a punt' and get some to see what they're like. However, even if they are really good I probably won't end up using them all, so would anyone be interested in trading for other things? I'd probably test them all beforehand just to be fair about what was being offered
I bought a bag of 50x GS109B and 50x GS109C and measured a few. I found the GS109Cs to be around 40 to 60 hfe with zero leakage. These weren't sealed, so they may come from a batch that has been picked through. I haven't tried them out yet.
Well the hfe looks quite low for the GS109C, according to the spec on alltransistors it should be at least 60? Still might be useable though, although with zero leakage not as Q3 in a MkIII tonebender, damn that German efficency