Gaspedals Dumbell correction

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Gaspedals Dumbell correction

Lee Oswald
Readers Digest version -

The second resistor from left on the layout on this site should be a 510k
*NOT* a 150k. This of course will produce more overdrive, and does improve
the performance.

This conforms to the schematic found on FSB.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbell correction

Thanks I thought it sounded off when compared to the real deal.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbell correction

In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
The Dumbbell definitely had a 150K resistor in that position, look here:

Are you looking at the scheme for the 1-knob Dumbbell later in the thread?  I've got that one in my to do list and it switches between a fixed 510K or 150K value.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbell correction

Lee Oswald
This post was updated on .

Yes I was looking at the one-knob schematic. And while I don't doubt you, as you know infinitely more than I likely ever will, the darn thing sounded so anemic with the original 150k in place, it really has me wondering if there wasn't a mistake somewhere earlier down the line.

I don't simply mean that it didn't have enough distortion, but it just had an overall weak performance.

I just can't help but wonder if someone didn't accidentally transpose a 510 into 150. It would be easy to do, and it makes no sense to my admittedly limited knowledge, why one version would have a 150k and the other a 510k.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbell correction

You can see the 150K value in the pic of the board on page 1 too so I don't think it was a mistake.  And remember the 150K is in the one knob layout too and that makes sense, because the second stomp switch allows you to select between two preset gain levels, a 150K which is lower gain and the 510K which is higher gain.

As with all these things though, alter it to suit what you like.  High gain would definitely suit me much better so I'd probably have a 510K and a 1M in there to give me an even higher gain option.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbell correction

Lee Oswald

No offense intended. My initial post really could have been worded in such a way, so that it didn't come across as so absolutist.

Obviously my ignorance of these matters reveals itself again. Really all I want to do is to try to contribute here in some sort of meaningful way.

Sorry if I came across as heavy handed, arrogant, condemnatory etc.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbell correction

No you didn't come across like that, the stock values in any pedal may not be right for everyone and the vast majority can be improved by little tweaks somewhere.  As I said, higher gain options would make more sense for me too and so it is something I am likely to change myself if I build it.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbell correction

Lee Oswald
Great, I'm glad to know I didn't come across badly and there aren't any sour feelings.
I didn't shoot anyone.