Gear you wish you never sold...

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Gear you wish you never sold...

Sensei Tim
Lately I've been wishing that I had never sold 2 things:

My Ada mp1 that I modded with the Ada depot mod 3 soldano mod
My first electric guitar - an aria pro II zz deluxe. I've seen 2 similar ones come up for sale locally, but I can't justify getting another one.

What about you guys?
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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

3 for me - if I still had, I probably would be selling them and be making a nice bundle on them

1. My first "good" guitar, a Fender Mustang (yellow with the orange racing stripes - late 60's)
2. Rickenbacker 4001 Burgundy bass (mid to late 70's) I had to have this after seeing Rush at the Hammond Civic Center (general admission) for the 2112 tour (right, I just dated myself)
3. My second bass, a black Fender P-bass (early 80's)

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

Mine wasnt a sell, it was more dumb than that.  When I first started playing at 16 my grandma gave me my great grandpa's guitar and amp.  I'd guess it to be around a late 50s early 60s Gibson amp.  I plugged in the amp and all it made was a fuzzy high pitched scream so we threw it away.  Of course now I know all it probably needed was new tubes, and was worth a bundle even not working.  Yeah, I get sick to my stomach every time I think of that one.
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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
a 1976 park 20w valve amp. my first amp, bought in 1986 for £60 and (reluctantly, as broke) sold in 2000 for £100.
a great little amp. and i took it with me everywhere for years and never even had to replace a valve. always sweet and true. a peach. cosy at bedroom volumes but could still fill a small hall if pushed.

i think i read on a internet forum a few years ago that they are basically unbranded marshalls with a baxandall tonestack. or maybe that was someone guessing. i just liked it for what it was.

if i sold it too cheap don't tell me. in pre-internet pre-ebay days things were only worth what you could find someone local to pay for them. now everything remotely interesting of age is expensive. it's annoying.
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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
You know nothing in your youth. From technique to tone, it's all discovery.
 Flashback to the late 80's. finishing high school, living with the folks ...NO INTERNET, yet.  One had to rely on word of mouth and guitar magazines to find out about gear. The dark ages. People were dumping tons of the coolest gear. Small music stores (remember those?) having walls of small Fender amps  on the cheap and such things we drool over now.

 Enter this little black combo I had never heard of. !x12, built like a tank and nearly as heavy. and it was LOUD! after a quick plug-in I snatched the beast for $300.00. Brought it home, opened her up and it was shaking the house, no actually rattling the windows in my bedroom. I must say at this point I didn't love the sound but what did I know then? I began to fear this amp. It had to go. I was learning metal riffs and it really didn't have the "insert whatever god awful tone I think I may have been looking for" at the time.

The badge on the amp was a plastic rectangle, in plain white letters it read HIWATT. Letters on the face read custom 50.
 Please feel free to take a number and form a line to slap a know it all/ know nothing teenager in the 80's.

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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

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In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
Big box Electro Harmonix micro synth. Sold it a few years before getting into DIY, and have been trying to find out how to build one ever since.
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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

My biggest regret way back when i was 17 was swapping a MOOG The Rogue for an ounce of hash. Fortunately came across another in better condition a couple of years ago and its still played a few times a week. Rule 1 if your going to sell it make sure your not going to miss it. Rule 2 if your going to sell it make sure you get what its worth.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
Bought a blackface Showman head and the big 2x12 cab for $600 in the '90s.  Sold them for $600 a couple years later and thought I'd done well to get my money back out of them.  Wrong.

Traded a set of old Slingerland drums for a crappy motorcycle back in the '80s.

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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
A'68 Telecaster Bass that I sold (at a loss) to Paul Reed Smith's bass player and I gave away a '66 Bassman head that only needed a retubing.  High school is the worst time to have good gear.
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Re: Gear you wish you never sold...

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
Sold my mint music man stingray to a friend for $800 because I needed the cash for another.
Sold an old airline guitar amp w/ built in tremolo for $200 in college because I needed the cash for beer and pot.