As an update: I fooled around with the input. I have used a DPDT on off on and put the stock 47N center and used a 220n on one side and a 100n on the other. I find there are differences but I'm not convinced that they will be overwhelmingly useful. My ultimate decision will be based on space. As a measure to make the hobby more cost efficient I am trying to fit as much as I can in every enclosure. I try to stick with 150B boxes and that allows me up to 6 controls and two foot switches. So the end result will come down to space. On top of that I try to combine/ stack circuits in such a way that the accompanying effect may serve to complement the other by way of tone or gain controllability.
Over all I really enjoy this one and I'm sure it will find its way into a box sooner than later.
Thank you for sharing and for the help fellas.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.