Glass Blower buffer/booster

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Glass Blower buffer/booster

The valve wizard has some pretty nice designs up on his site, with pcb layouts for the DIY'er. One of them is a buffer/booster pedal, it is posted here. It is interesting as a circuit with some nice explanations. He even has a layout with a possible VU-meter! Really nice stuff. I prefer a vero of the one without it, but it looks like a nice and doable circuit. So that is my main request

On his site are some more nice circuits/pedals, a simple delay (PT2399 based) and a reverb, about which he states " I think this makes the Equinox II the simplest DIY reverb project on the net at the moment!" (It uses only 2 PT2399's. no bricks etc.), it may be too big for vero, but cool nonetheless. Maybe it is something to look at for one of the awesome vero-designers out here?
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

Yes I'll add these
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

Great! Thanks! This'll go on my list :).
My heart can go where my head can't fit.
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by MrTondo
That's so cool. That bootstrapping technique is neat and innovative.
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

Merlin certainly knows his shit!
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

I know that IvIark can draw up a much smaller vero than I can (since he's great at that), but I drew up a Glass Blower vero today (it's 21 x 13) that will still fit in a 1590B and has no standing resistors.

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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

Post it mate, no point in reinventing the wheel
And I don't think I'd get it smaller anyway, some of yours have been much more compact that I could do
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

ok, ill post it soon. I just want go over it a few more times to make sure that it's correct.
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

This post was updated on .
okay, I managed to get it a bit smaller at 18x14.
Keep in mind that it IS a buffered effect and only requires a SPDT footswitch (yet still includes a status LED)
I had to correct a few links but I built it today and tested it and it sounds great, so this slightly revised vero is verified:

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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

Nice one, thanks John
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

You guys are awesome, thanks for the great layouts! I'll be trying the glassblower when my tayda shipment gets in...
My heart can go where my head can't fit.
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

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Was going to build John's layout today but I just noticed R2 doesn't appear to be attached to anything? Having a quick look at the schem I think it should be shifted one row up to match pin 3 and R3?

*edit* looks like the layout was updated. That was fast!

Just referring to the schem here: 
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

I definitely agree, that R2 should be shifted up a row.
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A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

I could be totally off on this one. But in the schem it appears the drain of Q3 is connected to the in- pin of OPAMP A not the source? Does this make a difference?

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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

skeletonghost wrote
I could be totally off on this one. But in the schem it appears the drain of Q3 is connected to the in- pin of OPAMP A not the source? Does this make a difference?

no, look at his PCB layout:

the drain connects to pins 1 and 5.

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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

Thanks John! Looks like this is good to go. I'll get a start on this and report back when it's done.
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Re: Glass Blower buffer/booster

right on. I also updated and fixed the misplaced resistor on the layout above