God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

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God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Teeny tiny 10uf, 47uf, and 100uf caps with one standard green gummi bear for size comparison.

The 10uFs are 4mmX7mm.  I love these tiny little things
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

In reply to this post by Heath
Yes I bought a pile of those minis too.  I'd still use multilayer ceramic or tantalum before them just because they will live longer, but if you've got to use electros it's much nicer to use the compact ones.  

I think the ones I got were rated at 16V and so plenty of capacity for most applications for us.  It's only filter caps on circuits you intend to use with an 18V supply that would be an issue.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Actually I just checked and the only ones rated at 16V that I got were the 22u and 100u values.  I got some 47u rated at 25V, Sprague 10u minis which are 7 x 4mm and they are 35V.  Some no-brand 4u7 rated at 50V.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

In reply to this post by IvIark
Yeah, I understand... I zoomed in on his photo and it looked like the mini cap flying solo said '50V' which was surprising to me.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

In reply to this post by rocket88
SmallBear has em for certain.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Yea, but that ends up being costly. I love smallbears service and parts, but unless you're ordering a lot it gets really expensive. I've actually out off builds because they are the only place I can find what I need, but when you only need 1 pot for $2.50 and shipping is $7 I'd rather not. Ya know?

I wondering is Heath found a new deal on eBay for us all to get in on.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Yeah - between them and Mammoth. I did see (think I did at least) close to what Heath mentioned (well, I think his may be more like 5mm x 4mm where what I saw was 5mm x 11mm) on Tayda and I think they were like .02 per. Maybe not the exact size but I think that's a good price at least where 100 only costs ya 2.00
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

In reply to this post by Heath
Rocket88, yep, I won't knock Smallbear for having good stuff, sometimes hard to find, but that shipping keeps me away.

This is my second order from http://stores.ebay.com/xinsstore/.  I'm very careful about ordering large amounts of components from unknown sellers, so the first time I ordered from them I just got a small pack of the 4mm X 7mm 10uF 50v caps.  They ended up having tighter tolerances than what I got from Tayda or Mammoth.  So I ordered 500 for $6.78, free shipping.

Mark, 2.2uF - 100Uf multilayer ceramics are a pain in my ass to find, and judging by the wild tolerances of the last couple of batches of 1uFs I got, I'm a little wary.  Don't get me wrong, I'll buy a stash of 100 1uF ceramics, because they are so much easier to use than 1uF boxes, blobbies, or elecs.  Then I pick out the 30 or so that aren't ridiculously out of tolerance, but it gets worse the higher you go, in my experience.

I keep a stock of tantalums in most values from 1uF to.. I think 22uF, as well, but I usually reserve them for the signal path in builds that I intend as a primary for my pedal board (you know, special pedals), due to the cost (which actually seems to be dropping if I'm not delusional).  

The other baggies pictured are:
50pcs 47uF 25V 5mm X 7mm
40pcs 100uF 25V 6mm X 7mm

Wow, I just grabbed a random bunch from each value and tested them and they all 3 look to average within 3-4% of the stated value.  That's stupid-good for electrolytics in my experience.

Don't buy them all, Zach!
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Wow! 500 for about 6 bux! I thought I was doing Ok at 100 for $2.00!!
I have always been a little apprehensive when it comes to ebay.

Maybe I should/need to get over that and start seriously consider. I have done well though over the past few months. Slowly moving away from the previously mentioned in favor of Tayda as of late.

Meh - it's a process I suppose
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Chris60601 wrote
Meh - it's a process I suppose
Heh, I recall paying $0.25 a piece for electrolytics before I learned better.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

OK - I'll raise my hand as one who pays 20 cents / cap!  

But I usually buy what I need (or anticipate what I'll need for several builds).  Despite that, I'm always running out of 1 uF, 10 uF, 22 uF, and 100 uF electro caps.

BTW - I like the slimmer electros.  For some reason, there are some brands of 100 uF caps that have a larger diameter than usual and of course they never seem to fit on my veros or PCBs!   So getting the right size and good quality is key.  I don't mind purchasing up to 50 at a time, as I figure I can liquidate them in the future if I don't end up using them.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

I paid like over $1 for electrolytics before, at the only electronics store in nj near me. The I before I built pedals, and was just messing around with modding some. I learned better very quickly, lol. My ass still hurts from the reaming I got from them, I mean I think I paid $8 for a pot. Now the only time I got there is in an emergency that I need something I can't wait for.

I would never buy up all the caps......now if they were made from Ge

Thats a great price for those amounts of electrolytics. I did purchase some more Ge's and other things from our favorite Bulgarian seller, so watch out, he may be out soon if I keep ordering.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Just remember, when you build that friggin Germanium Deathstar (that I KNOW you upgraded your workshop to accommodate... yeah, you got everyone else fooled, but not ME, bucko!)...

Heath = Friend.  No Disassemble... or Death Ray... or Germanium Blast... or Total Protonic Reversals of any sort.  

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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Bwahahaha. Why is it always me that's in charge of/working on the deathstar? I thought this was a communal effort. We're in this together, except Alderon, I freaking hate Alderon. They're my first target after TGP.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

rocket88 wrote
Why is it always me that's in charge of/working on the deathstar?
Because you are Darth Germanius, Dark Lord of the Fuzz.

rocket88 wrote
We're in this together, except Alderon, I freaking hate Alderon. They're my first target after TGP.
I'LL NEVER RULE THE UNIVERSE WITH... aww, fuckit, yeah lets blast TGP.

I shall don the mantle of Darth Rebuildit, Destroyer of Circuits.  Next Target, Littleangelon, the forest moon of Chorusant.  

(ignites his red waterclear LEDsaber accompanied by the sound of tasty diode clipping)

<ksssss kossshhhhhh> Just promise me, No Prequels... <woooossh  kisshhhh>


Elsewhere in the Galaxy...

Obi Holt Rickobi: "I feel a great disturbance in the scene, as if millions of PT2399s suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened...."

Juke Diodewalker: "Well, that's pretty common with that circuit..."
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

Heath wrote
Obi Holt Rickobi: "I feel a great disturbance in the scene, as if millions of PT2399s suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened...."
Impossible ...  even the dark side can not silence the force of a PT2399

The PT2399 will prevail, Dark Lord
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

dbat69 wrote
Impossible ...  even the dark side can not silence the force of a PT2399
The PT2399 will prevail, Dark Lord
If it could be turned to the Dark Side, it would be a powerful ally.
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Re: God as my witness... I'll never need 10uF caps again...

haha, this is why people think we're fucking nuts. and i think we are all in agreement that the little angel with its pt2399 is nothing but the darkside incarnate. if anyone knows it, it's you heath.