Good inexpensive multimeter in the US

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Good inexpensive multimeter in the US

Hey there,

First project, I just found out that my cheap fluke voltage tester doesn't really measure resistors outside of the 100K range. Sooo I don't really wanna blow $300 on a nice fluke dmm, so does anyone have any good recommendations for an off-brand that's cheap? I've seen them for as little as $25 but I wanna make sure its reliable. Would love to spend less than $50.
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Re: Good inexpensive multimeter in the US

I use a Greenlee DM-60 I bought it off ebay new for around $30. The same one will list on ebay from $22-75 for some reason. If your not familiar with Greenlee they makes a lot of hand tools for electrician's in the constuction field.
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Re: Good inexpensive multimeter in the US

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
why don't you get a secondhand Fluke 77 series DMM or even a 87III or 87 from eBay or so on
I see them all the time on there - I even went through a phase of buying one a week for a while.
they cost less than $50 and are way more reliable than anything else you'd get.

just don't bother with the cheap brands - they aren't reliable, they drift, they fall apart, they aren't safe and it's just a needless expense in the long term when it falls apart. a 77 series secondhand will cost less than $50 and probably last forever

people will say that sub $50 cheapie DMMs are fine but they really aren't.

plus the Flukes Autorange and have the hold functions which are unbelievably useful - Stripboard Layouts