Grounding problem (?)

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Grounding problem (?)

Hi guys. I'm not a good diy pedal builder (not a surprise), but I made some projects and they all worked. Here is the problem. It all stared with the idea of a double fuzz factory in a single box. I followed the instruction on tagboard for the off board connection in case of double pedal and I had only one side working. I  checked which board was the problematic one and looked for some mistakes. I found nothing strange. Then I started a new project, the ab synth, already verified, but again the same problem. I passed two days on that board but still nothing wrong for me, built as the previous pedals. In the last days I tried a buzz box, which I thought was an easy pedal, but the problem is still there. I got some help and I tried everything but still nothing working. Today I tried to build again the ab synth. I've just finished it. Obviously not working and with "not working" I mean "the signal passes through the board even when the power it's off". Here are some photos and the link to the other post (I know it may be stupid to start a new post, but it may be helpful to someone new): image869.jpg image77.jpg image184.jpg
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Re: Grounding problem (?)

Looks to me like the ground wire from the dc jack is going to the ring of the input jack but the ground from the board is going to the sleeve so there is no continuity in the ground
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: Grounding problem (?)

In reply to this post by edo1123
I did the same thing you are doing at first, I thought I had to build the entire circuit before I could test it.

Please look into test boxes and/or breadboards as test beds for new circuist - it will save you a lot of time and potential problems.

If you build a circuit with wires for input, output, +9 dc and ground  (plus connect the necessary pots and switches included in the circuit) that is all you need to check your circuit with a test box.

You do not need wire in the DC jack, guitar jacks, footswitch or LED - those are all part of the "off-board" wiring scheme which is a separate project unto itself. Those things are included in the test box.

If you can get a circuit working with the test box - then you know it is ready to box up. If it doesn't work it needs fixing.

A simple test bed is this - a breadboard with a 9v battery or 9v dc adaptor connected to the power rails, and a separate set of guitar jacks, one for the guitar in and one for the amp in.

When I build my builds I actually use the same color wires they use in the pictures here; green for circuit in, blue for circuit out, red for +9 and black for ground. I save other colors for pots and switches.

Everything you do to create a set pattern for the process of building every circuit makes it all easier. You will get the idea. There are a lot of little things to figure out.
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Re: Grounding problem (?)

I know tasting is the first step to have a build working, but at the moment I'm out of breadboard. So I tested the build with the multimeter and I found out some mistake. Now I have the pedal working in the background, like there are two separate signal: one clean and one effected. How is that possible?