Happy New Year and 2015

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Happy New Year and 2015

It is a bit early for me but there are many out there who will already be in 2015   To all the friends on here:

I hope you all have a great New Year wherever you are and that 2015 is a fantastic year.

And Mark I hope you feel better soon.

I can't wait to see what the new year brings and what Mark and Miro can come up with.  You guys are amazing - thank you

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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

I second that. It's only 5:30pm in nj, but I raise my first beer to toast you all.  Can't wait to see what next year brings. While we may not all be close to each other, this truely is a community full of comrodery, and friendship.

And keep an eye out, hopefully Saturday I will have the office/studio/electronics workspace done, and as soon as it is I'm posting some pics. I can't wait to get building again so I can actually help out, and I'll have my computer up and running so I can do some layouts, and finally send some stuff to some people on here, *cough* Chris *cough*.  

Most improtantly Mark, get better. Hopefully a beer or a few beers will help.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Well said!
LOL - Zach, just get yer house in order and take your time
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Yes, I'll be toasting tonight with a Blue Moon Farmhouse Red, and wish you all a happy, safe, and productive 2015.  

So here's a good New Year's question.  What were your favorite vero builds of 2014?  Here are my top three.

#3. TMD Metal Driver - I had a lot of fun creating the layout, building it, and having it actually sound good!

#2. The SRV Special (aka TS9 Tube Screamer) - This is pretty close to a standard tube screamer, but I created my own vero layout anyhow and used just ordinary components (carbon film resistors, greenie caps, 2N5088 trannies and a LF353).  And it sounds freaking great!  Maybe I just didn't appreciate tube screamers until now, but it'll be on my pedalboard in 2015.

#1.  The BJFE Model H - This one sounded great from the first note I played through it.  I still need to box it, but I'll find a spot for it on my 2015 pedalboard too.  

Cheers to all, and special thanks to IvIark and Mirosol who manage this fantastic site.  
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Happy New Year
This was my first year of building and I knocked out about 35 or 40 builds from this site with no prior electronics experience. I have had a great tie building them. I would say my top three builds would be..

Animal by Rocket
Clarii(not) by MidFi Electronics
Great Destroyer by Dwarfcraft

With the variety it's hard to pick just three. I have quite a few that I really love. IvIarks latest WTF is an amazing build too if you haven't gotten around to it.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Happy New Years and thank you IvIark and Mirosol!

It is difficult to pick three but...

1. Galileo
2. Deep Blue Delay
3. OD808/Dyna Red - I cheated here

My choices may not be exotic as some of the others have been and will be, but what the hey
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Hmmm. That's a tough one, especially now that I'm almost drunk, 8 beers and champagne in, but I think I'm going to say in no particular order

Ge fuzzface with gt402v's
Rat distortion modified for bass and added blend
Modified small clone chorus

May next year be even better then last. I know I got some great builds lined up.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Here comes my top 3 2014 builds, essential tools on pedalboard:

BlowerBox (bass)
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Happy new year to you all, hope you had a fantastic night
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Happy New Year to Mark. Miro and everyone!

Best builds of the year for me are (in no particular order):


Ace Tone FM-2 Fuzz Master.

The Germanium Giant (The forum collaborative effort evolution of the Nick Greer Green Giant).

And the Special Award for All Round Awesomeness goes to Mirosol's Tester Box.

Thanks guys!
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Happy new year to all!
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

In reply to this post by Beaker
Beaker: Best builds of the year for me are (in no particular order):


I was just looking at the Janglebox the other day.  I have a CA3080 chip and wanted to build a compressor in 2015, even though I don't normally use a compressor.  I'll have to try this one out...
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

In reply to this post by dbat69
Happy new years, dudes! Hope you have  had a lovely night :)

Well, so we're choosing three builds done along 2014....

1. Mutron Phasor II. I think that  it has become my favourite phaser, no doubt about it.

2. Toneczar Openhaus: Not my favourite distortion, but as a challenger was great. I've built three units along the year.

3. A Tonebender MKIII (three knobs) that I built for a friend, but finally  had to keep it for myself and build another one for him. One of these cases that you build a pedal, and nobody knows why, you try to get a great pedal, and you get an OUTSTANDING tone machine that is not posible to replicate, even with the same set of trannies.

Nice 2015 for you all!

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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Blah. How did I forget the germanium giant???? That was a great effect we came up with. Really makes you see how smart we are when we put our brains together, like were pretty smart. I'm going to add it to my top 3 list, consider it my top 4.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Tough to say what my favorite vero builds of 2014 are. I'd have to say:

1. Ramble FX Marvel Drive w/ switchable input cap Rangemaster as a pre boost.
2. Deep Blue Delay (vero) w/ Rub-A-Dub-Deluxe (pcb) in one box.
3. A Big Muff that I tuned to my ears by socketing a ton of components. First Big Muff I've ever liked.

It would be tough to kick these pedals of my board at this point.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Go ahead and build a Janglebox - you won't be dissapointed. It's my favourite compressor now.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

I built the Janglebox. It sounds great. Fat and Squishy.
For something much more subtle, but really amazing is the Rothwell Love Squeeze. I never turn mine off!
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Hmmmm   my favourite builds this year, in no particular order

Bigfoot MagnaVibe

Mirosol's Test Box2 - so useful, thank you Mirosol

Skreddy Lunar Module

The Forum Green Russian is definitely on my soon to be list, along with a Muff or two (or three...or) and from the comments above, the Janglebox will make it onto my list now too

Thanks again to everyone here

Ohh and a message from our favourite Bulgarian seller on eBay (bg2014_manue / ml_electronics) - he wishes you all a happy and prosperous 2015 - and special greeting to you IvIark.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

You got that message from him too dbat? I just placed a rather large order, no I did not orde more russian Ge's trying to leave some for everyone else . Definitely one of the best guys one ebay, not to mention that he knows us all here, how many others on eBay are like that?

Dbat, don't forget the big muff is a slippery slope. You start with one, but that's never enough. Ask Javi how many muffs he has laying around. Just don't let the misses get jealous when you're sourrounded by muffs. And don't get me started on what happens when you through a swollen pickle in .

Bye, I'm thinking the next compressor I'm going to build is the forest green or pale green comps. They're supposed to be super transparent. The on,y one I have build is the Emma, which is good, and you can get some great svtish grind from it too.
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Re: Happy New Year and 2015

Zach, you must have more Ge transistors than he has now  

Yes he seems to know us on here.  At least he can see that this is a friendly and helpful community, and you're right, I haven't come across as helpful and friendly seller on eBay - I've come across a few bad ones, some very greedy ones and some fraudsters, but our friend is definitely the best I have had the pleasure of dealing with.  He gets my order every time - and he has loads of lovely stuff at competitive prices.

Ohh the Muff direction is a must for me - I have at least 4 on my list and I keep reading about others, and looking over at the Muff pages and thinking, wouldn't it be nice to have that variation too!  Yeah, Javi seems to be addicted to Muffs - I'm sure this is what happens to us all, first the craving, then the first sample, then the need for more

I only have a BOSS CS3 at the minute, so I could always do with another couple to play with - but there are just too many pedals I want to build, and I must have some fun with the Metalizer when it arrives