Happy new year..

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Happy new year..

Happy new year guys... May this year be joyfull and prosperous... Filled with lots of vero layouts and pedals ...
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Re: Happy new year..

Figured I'd wish the same to all brothers of the soldering iron. May all our irons burn hot, our tracks be clear, and builds sound great.
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Re: Happy new year..

Haha Happy New Year, may it be a fuzzy one. You have made me realize a lot of great pedals in 2015, here's to a year of twice that amount (The amount of Leffe beer must double everything) Cheers!
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Re: Happy new year..

In reply to this post by rocket88
Since I discovered this community my lonely night shifts have really become a joy.
Happy new year to everyone, and greetings from Spain!
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Re: Happy new year..

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by MaheshSK
Happy new year!
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Happy new year..


I've not been building a lot lately, but hope to get back to it very soon.  Some PCBs and veros.  Also, I'm planning a pedlaboard build so I can actually USE my pedals live...