Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

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Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Hello guys,
I've shitload of 3PDT wiring pcb's. Realized I don't need that much, so if you want to buy any feel free to pm me.
Price is 0.75$/piece + shipping from Israel (which should be cheap since it's small).
If you'll take 20+ shipping will be probably on me (depends where you're from).
Feel free to contact me.
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

What kind of wiring are they? TB? Grounded input? Schematic? Pictures?
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Yeah, sorry should have give some more info on these,
It's Mr G's layout from fsb, you can see it here:
Here's a pic:
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

I'll take 20 if you can do free shipping to the UK.
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

you got it,
sent you an email
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

I've etched a bunch of those and they work very very well...

I'm actually tempted to buy some just to save myself the trouble of etching and drilling a bunch again.
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

I hate to etch things as well, but even more I hate to wire a regular switch and with that it's much easier
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Hey Stinger,

 Would be possible to get 20 units sent to Sefarad? :P

PM with  final price if so, please!

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

In reply to this post by Stinger25

Those look nice. I was going to do this myself one of these days but I just can't spare the time to mess around with fab houses and their requirements right now. Etching is also out of the question, I'm willing to etch but lately I draw the line at cutting a big board into small pieces and drilling. I've inhaled quite enough of FR4 dust back in the day so I'm ditching the entire process for health reasons.

If you have say 30 to spare I'd be interested to take them off your hands?
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
No probs Javi,
Sent you an email
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

All Ok, Stinger :) Let me know if you need anything more!

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

all the orders were shipped today :-) tracking number was sent by email.
if anyone else wants some, just let me know
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Hi Felix,

Received yesterday the boards, but were not at the office, so it has been today when finally did get 'em. Great 3pdt boards by the way. Thanks for an easy and quick transaction!

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell


Same here!

Just picked up my boards yesterday. Haven't had the chance to use any but they look cool and Felix is a great guy to do business with.

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Thanks guys, it was pleasure to deal with you.
Have a great builds with the boards!
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Same here - look great but haven't had chance to try one yet.


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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

still got plenty of those, so if you're interested hit me
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell


How many did you have made, Felix?  A thousand?
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Actually yeah, something like that,
It was minimal order in the place I ordered in, decided to go with it since I really hate to wire 3PDT, and cuz the guys I ordered from are reliable (worked with them on one of my workplaces).
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell


Cool. I have five simultaneous builds going on  so I'll take your boards for a spin soon. If it works out I'll probably take a few more off your hands.