Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

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Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

Runoffgroove has developed a new Marshall-style amp sim, which follows from their previous projects (Thunderchief and Thor).  They will be releasing it in a week or two.  From DIYStompboxes (B Tremblay):

We've developed a new circuit that we feel is our best work thus far. Over ten years ago, we began our amp-inspired distortion odyssey with the Thunderchief and later refined it as Thor. For the third time we have focused our efforts on capturing the majestic sound of a Marshall Super Lead amplifier, but this time we set aside size and simplicity constraints in favor of getting the best results sound-wise.

Here's a clip of Thunderbird recorded direct using a 4x12 cabinet impulse response. The guitar is a Van Halen style with a Floyd Rose bridge and single humbucking pickup.


Hopefully, we can have a vero layout shortly after its release !
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!


I Like it!!!  
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

Update...prototype PCB from 1776 Electronics

(Note the multiple op amps and plethora of diodes...)

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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
How is that going to fit on vero in a reasonably sized enclousure?  
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

negativefx wrote
How is that going to fit on vero in a reasonably sized enclousure?
You'll definitely need a 1590BB for this, even with the PCB.  On vero, it will definitely be big!  But folks here have tackled big circuits in the past.
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

True. The Mutron Phasor was done not once, not twice, but three different ways and that thing is a monster.
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

Ooooh, this looks and sounds very interesting ...  definitely one for my wish list
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

This post was updated on .
Thunderbird is now officially released!  Check it out.  24 volts!!

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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

... and the BOM is a monster too!!!

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

So, who's up for the vero??

Actually, I went ahead and got the PCB from 1776 Effects.  I'll post my review when I get it built (I still need to order some parts...).
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

That PCB looks excellent! I'm interested in trying this out but the clips haven't really sold me. In the clips it seems noisy and doesn't make me feel like I'm listening to the real deal

I'm definitely interested in your thoughts Frank. Especially regarding noise levels
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

I think I might go for the PCB  it looks so damn good.
Yeah Frank .. will love to hear your thoughts ... I want a good Marshall sim pedal or two
I miss my JCM800
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

In reply to this post by Travis
I thought the clips sounded pretty good. I don't remember if they recorded the clips from an amp with a mic or direct to a sound card, either of which could account for noise. (Edit: just checked - they were recorded through a DI box straight into a computer with amp modeling).

I'm excited about this project because it represents an attempt to go beyond the 9 and 18 volts supply levels used by most overdrive/distortion circuits.  Accordingly I think the sound will in fact be more "amp like" than other similar circuits.  I've built a lot of amp sims from the Britannia (which is great) to the Umble (also good), Thor (just OK) and stuff like the plexidrive, model H (superb), and the rump roast, so my expectations are high.

I'm sourcing parts right now (in particular the tantalum caps for the power section and the 9mm control pots used by the PCB) so it will be few weeks before it's completed.  Stay tuned.
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
I need this like I need a third nostril... so of course I ordered a pcb and some parts...
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

I know what you mean Heath...what, another amp sim / overdrive / distortion box??

If this was just another 9V op amp-based distortion, then I would have passed, but the Thunderbird is quite different.  The design was made to operate at 24V so that the op amps DIDN'T clip, which can result in the flubby, sputtery decay I sometimes hear in overdrives/distortions.  18V circuits (e.g. the Klon) have always sounded better to me, so I'm hoping that 24V turns out to be even better.  

I've got all the parts sourced/purchased and am waiting for the packages to arrive.  If I'm lucky, I can get started on the T-bird this weekend.  
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Re: Heads up - Runoffgroove releasing a new circuit: Thunderbird!

I gave it a try and it came out quite huge, but it fits in a 1590BB box.
Uploaded in contributions.
I've double checked the schematics and I'm pretty sure it's ok.
Please, have a look and let me know if there's something wrong.