Include Schematics with requests!

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Include Schematics with requests!

Sorry, starting to bug me a bit, so I thought I'd be the jerk to bring it up.

If you're posting a request, you need to include a schematic.  You are requesting that someone else do layout work for you for free.  It just seems a little unfair to also leave schematic hunting (or even tracing) up to that person as well.

If there are effects that you'd like to see here that currently don't have schematics available, by all means get involved in pedal tracing.  But this sub-forum is not the place to start.

In other words, please read the "Read this before posting a request" post before, you know, posting a request.


Hugs and kisses,
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

word. you're not being a jerk john, i can't agree more. i know i've requested layouts for some pedal that i had to get rid of, that i took pics of the pcb, but i don't have the skill to trace the circuit, so i posted it thinking someone who has that skill could do it and i would make the layout for everyone. i think it's more of if you have a request you should have either the schematic or board pics that can be traced, so that if the desire is there people can work together to do it, but assuming someone will do everything is ridiculous.

btw, everyone should read the rules posted by miro that's pinned at the top of this section before making a post.

figured i would add mt $0.02, and not make you be the sole poster about this.

up high!! and don't leave me hanging, *hand in air waiting for high five*
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

In reply to this post by Jopn
I also agree.  At least a quick internet search will reveal if there is schematic available, and most who post here can do that.

If someone is interested if someone has in fact developed a schematic for a circuit, or is interested in potential mods, you can always post in the Chat section.

And even better yet, learn how to create your own vero layouts!  It's not that hard (at least for simple circuits) and can be a lot of fun.  Then you can proudly post your work in the Contributions section!
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
i have a request!
can someone draw a vero for me?
i've got
no schem.
no pics.
no name of the effect.
ah...just kidding...
you're right man.i did a similar "mistake" once though...i should post it in open chat but i through it here...
zvex ringtone...sorry

any hug for me?

i'm really in to drawing veros but when i don't even see a schem it's just
"noway losing time searching and reading more than i want to do"
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

Thanks Zach...back at ya!

Actually, I should put my money where my mouth is.  I've been sitting on a ROG UGE Screamer vero - I'll post that one up since I did build it and works.   My only knock on it is that there is a little hiss when the gain is full up, but that's a byproduct of the inverters, from what I understand.  
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

In reply to this post by Jopn
I took your advice and reread the post about requests.It doesn't say anything about including a just asked if what we are requesting has an available schematic and if it is too big it won't be pretty new to this whole blogg thing and would never want to offend anyone by not following the rules.i thought the request was for ideas on the next circuit to be posted and if my request didn't get posted i just figured oh well maybe some other time.i miss understood is what im trying to say.where do i post a question to find out if someone on here would have information on a circuit that's not been posted yet?
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

Don't feel bad at all.  To be fair, many of the posts in Requests don't have schematics.  I suppose what were trying to (gently) say is that if you can do a quick search and find some info on the circuit in question, that would be helpful.  To be honest, I'm not familiar with probably 50% or more of the effects circuits out there, so I'm constantly Googling for more information.  If you use the search terms "<effect name> schematic" in many cases you see one or more schematics returned AND the vero layout here if there is one.

One caution though.  If you ask about a circuit that's really new or very obscure, it may be a while before someone responds to the post and even longer before a vero layout will appear.  It all depends upon if a reliable schematic is available (remember that schematics derived from actual hardware often take some time before all of the corrections are made and a reliable schematic is available).

As to the questions about if schematics for specific effects are available, you can post those in the Chat section.  Someone will usually respond, and I've found that the collective knowledge of folks around here is amazing!

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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

Thank you for the info,I was thinking of buying the catalibread sabbra cadabra pedal and taking pics of the inside.i noticed alot of folks are eager to get a trace on it.i really like the sound of it so I might go ahead and buy it.How do I go about posting the pics on here once I have them?Is it just like useong my yahoo mail,insert image?
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Re: Include Schematics with requests!

You can post pictures here - just use the "Insert Image" button.  I'm there will be a lot of folks interested in that pedal!