Insane tube

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Insane tube

Check this thing out. Put a pick there for scale.

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Re: Insane tube

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Re: Insane tube

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Re: Insane tube

In reply to this post by Kinski
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Re: Insane tube

I have no idea. I was in LA for a bit. Had some time off. Went to a very strange place called The Museum of Jurassic Technology. It was behind glass with no info at all. No pics were allowed but I managed to get these. I'd love to know where it came from.
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Re: Insane tube

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Re: Insane tube

In reply to this post by Kinski
That's pretty cool Kinski!

The biggest tubes I have ever seen were at the BBC World Service transmitting station at the town where I used to live.

These suckers were well over four feet long, powering up to 300 000 Watts (The Great Wall Of Marshall?), ran at 20 000 Volts, and were steam cooled!
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Re: Insane tube

Silver Blues
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