Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

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Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!


I think he just pissed off the entire industry.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

Beat me too this one. I got an email from reverb about it. Seriously what a cock. Just another reason that I really don't like Metallica anymore. Not only were they one of the worst concerts I've been too, saw them when they first replaced Jason with rob, their whole downloading music is making them lose money when they've got millions and aren't losing shit, now kirks comments just shows how far from reality they are.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by negativefx
I'll bet that his ultra-rare European pedal is already already up on here somewhere.

What a bell end!
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

How would one even begin building guitar effects if they don't play guitar? Obviously it was just a comment that he made without thinking at all.. I don't think he meant any offense, just a dumb comment

Oh well. I'm not too worked up, but the idea of a Kirk Hammett signature tube screamer doesn't get me too excited either. I guess I could sum up my response with one big MEH
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by negativefx
Actually I think he was very smart. Before saying this stupidity, no one knew his company. Now the entire guitar world knows about KHDK.

And, of course, what impresses me most is that he is not selling a Wah pedal
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by negativefx
I never use Twitter, but have been enjoying all the reactions on his tweet very much.

I don't think he meant it bad, but it is bad.
If he doesn't know any companies (which he should, right?) -> You can't just deny/overlook a whole scene/craft when you get into a business. That's stupid or rude.
And if he does know other companies, you can't say that they're not 'actual' guitarists cause they don't have a grammy. That's pompous.

So the reactions are justified IMO. Reading the rest of the interview just makes me feel he is just out of touch with the whole world. Poor guy. He really thinks he is shaking up the whole effects industry or even the music scene by adding a few switches to a tubescreamer and a clean boost.

Guess he doesn't know about companies like ChaseBliss, Earthquaker, Dwarfcraft etc. He'll be shocked that there are other pedals than a Wah and a TubeScreamer :D

Just a weird, weird thing to say. I have tried to give him the benefit, but it's just wrong an doffensive.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

Totally agree with you Marbles. I think it was a just  throw-away comment, made by a prize pillock, out of arrogance and ignorance. The ignorance is inexcuseable, and the arrogance is understandable - he's the world's greatest guitarist in the world's greatest band.

That said, he's surely onto a winner, and I expect "his" pedals will sell by the truckload, as the average young guitarist will just lap up the coolaid he is oozing out.

After all nobody in the whole world ever made a half decent set of headphones before Dr. Dre came along did they?

And there no such thing as bad publicity right?
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

Haha, yeah, headphones didn't even exist! ;)

But yeah, you're probably right. I think the majority of the buyers would be kids starting out. The kind (like me) that starts out and has only heard of BOSS and Dunlop.

Then again, the price of these things is over 200. That tubescreamer even 249 euros.  

Every kid spending that kind of cash is most likely a kid that splashes out on boutique pedals and a frequent visitor of the hype-forums. These pedals will not be hyped for sure. Especially with the whole building community slagging them.

But that could just be wishful thinking haha

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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

It used to make me angry that people were stupid enough to pay big bucks for what are essentially modded pedals. And that everybody could learn to at least mod their own pedals. But you try telling that to them and they get angry. At best they would say things like 'well, not everybody can learn how to solder (so should up and let them take my money'). Well not the last part at least but that was implied. I've learned that as usual PT Barnum applies again. Fools and their money are soon parted and suckers are born every minute. Who am I to begrudge others from being smart enough to rake in easy money? Why am I not smart enough to start a business and rake some of it in myself? At the very least I now consider myself part of the Illuminati who are smart enough to know you don't need to fork out 2 to 300 bucks for a boutique pedal. I now go overboard by building shitloads of pedals. And in doing so become a sucker to those other Illuminati who know how to make money of us DIY folk. Because fools and their money are always parted.

As for Kirk Hammett, he should just shut up and play guitar. He was at least always good at making sure every Metallica guitar solo had a nice melodic hook. Which is more then I can say of most shredders. They're still a bunch of faggots though, although my personal theory is that the old Metallica all died in a plane crash after the Black Album tour and they were all secretely replaced by some shitty tribute band. Who look the part but can only play their old songs well and make stupid ass remarks.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by negativefx
If you look at his gig rig, it's pretty much all mega-huge brands (TC/Boss/Dunlop/Line6/Ibanez) so I guess it's possible he's only worked with PR peoples?

I still think it's hilarious that his first major pedal is a $200+ tube screamer... did he partner with JHS to design it?
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by negativefx
It appears he deleted the tweet now. Too bad, it was a nice read during dull workhours haha.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by negativefx
Followed by his 'excuse' :

It might be just be, but when I read it I'm like: Dude, you just don't get it.
But maybe he just has a hard time expressing himself and there's a reason he does not do any interviews? Oh well.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

Ciaran Haslett
Have you read some of the comments?  What can I do to get devotion like that?....Actually, I don't think I want any.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

ddduuuuddddeeee. wtf. i'm more shocked by peoples responses then anything. i mean talk about people that drink too much of the kool aid. i mean none of them get the point of why so many builders are annoyed by his comment.

but anyway, still fucking hysterical that he's selling a fucking tubescreamer with a couple basic mods for stupid money. i'm waiting for #4 from him, i'm willing to bet it's a klone. bwahaha
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

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In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
Ciaran Haslett wrote
Have you read some of the comments?  What can I do to get devotion like that?....Actually, I don't think I want any.
Become really, really, really famous? This is after all the age of the cult of Celebrity.

As for him selling a modded tubescreamer for $200, he's only doing what almost every other boutique builder does. Don't they basically all start out with selling a modded tubescreamer as the next best thing since sliced bread?

We should all combine to start our own boutique pedal company, Tagboard FX. We'd have to standardize on components of course but if each of us builds 5 Tubescreamers a month we could sell a lot of gear. Since we would all build on vero that would be our special mojo. Hand built using mojo boards! Because as only insiders now, the alignment of all those stripboards creates special radiological interference that enhances the upper high and low harmonics. Extra credit if we can convince some famous but electronically illiterate guitarist to endorse us. We'd be taking the piss out of the boutique industry and rake in some extra cash to fund our own habits.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by rocket88
It's scary man. He can't do anything wrong in their eyes.

He himself don't even get why his comment is wrong from the looks of it. It's like I would start a metal band and claim I'm the first guitarplayer to ever use a Wah-pedal haha.

My guess nr 4 is either a wah or compressor
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

In reply to this post by Muadzin
Why start at $200?   I've got some russian diodes we could use.  $600 overdrives on the way.
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
Do you guys think we could start at 800 if i'll give my special , made in china 2n3906 to the company???
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Re: Kirk Hammett is the first guitar player/pedal maker!
