LM338 Regulator vero

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LM338 Regulator vero


I'm planning to build a Tiny Giant project, and add an overdrive/EQ to the front end.  Since the amp requires a 19.5V supply, while the OD circuit will likely want 9V, I guess I'll build another voltage regulator to share the main supply and provide 9V as well.  I found this schematic for a LM338 regulator and made the following little vero layout for it.  Anyone care to have a look and tell me if it looks like I'm on the right path?

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Re: LM338 Regulator vero

Silver Blues
Yeah you're fine. Not much to go wrong in such a simple circuit, no cuts and one link and all. Only 1uF for an output filter cap seems a little low? But otherwise it's alright. You may want to heatsink the IC as well.

Just be careful, as judging by the page you linked the IC's tab is connected to Vout, so DO NOT ground this tab (i.e. don't heatsink it to a metal enclosure).
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Re: LM338 Regulator vero

Thanks for looking at it.  Seems dirt-simple, but why not ask for a second set of eyes when it's easy?

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Re: LM338 Regulator vero

In reply to this post by AC_FX
Or on the other hand, maybe I'll just use the Earthquaker Monarch layout Mark just posted, and power it with the regulated 11.6V already available in the Tiny Giant.  This forum is great, SOLUTIONS TO LIFE'S BIG PROBLEMS EVERYWHERE I LOOK!!!