Layout question - multiple grounds to board?

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Layout question - multiple grounds to board?

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Just finished a Lovepedal Super 6, with some mods (based on reading through the forum posts), and wiring it with the multiple grounds was kind of a nightmare. So I was thinking how to 'improve' my boxing, and was curious of a layout that has multiple ground points could be connected to the board, through an extra row.

For example: the stock Super Six layout has a ground row on the board, plus lugs one and 2 from the Intense pot go to ground, PLUS lug 1 from the volume pot.

I started tinkering with DIYLC and came up with this:

(see below for updated layout)

It seems like it would be better(to me, at least) would be to have all the pot wires attached to the board, with 1 ground wire out. Would there be any issues with doing this?
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Re: Layout question - multiple grounds to board?

I've done this for several boards since I hate offboard wiring - never had any issues. As long as all grounds are connected...
But with your layout something is wrong - tone 2&3 go to ground, I think you placed the blue and green wires on the right one row to high...
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Re: Layout question - multiple grounds to board?

"mug wrote
But with your layout something is wrong - tone 2&3 go to ground, I think you placed the blue and green wires on the right one row to high...
Oh, I'm sure - I just threw the layout together so I would have a decent pic of what I was talking about...and it was my first time using DIYLC, so...

I'll correct it this evening and repost. Thanks!
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Re: Layout question - multiple grounds to board?

In reply to this post by tracer03
Updated (corrected) layout: