Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

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Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

Wondering if there is a good CabSim out there that has been done.  I'd like to build a pedal that has a good quality cabsim in it as well as a headphone amp (stereo would be cool) so that I can put it on the end of my pedal board and use my pedalboard direct to PA.  Anyone know of something out there?  An A/DA GCS-3 would be awesome, though probably has a bit more than I would need in terms of options.  Anyway, throwing that out there....anyone?  
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Re: Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

ROG Condor Cabsim seems to be the most common cab sim out there. I know Thomas at THCustoms sells boards for it and also a board for a headphone amp. He also has all sorts of all in one home recording stuff. There are a few other layouts for vero cabsims out there. I know the Marshall cab sim is out there some where, I saw a layout for something on DIYStompboxes. There was a guy on the Madbean forum working on an all in one headphone amp/recording to FOH out, but that was before the recent crash. Sorry I cannot be more helpful.

MAO Pedals has a layout for the JamMix headphone amp on the forum, http://guitar-fx-layouts.42897.x6.nabble.com/JamMix-Headphones-Practice-Play-Along-Amp-td26681.html
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Re: Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

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In reply to this post by Bryan
Here's a nice cab sim project (and vero layout) from DIYStompboxes...

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Re: Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

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Re: Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Thanks Frank for reminding me about this project!
Completely forgot about this layout!
I'll add it to the main Page
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Re: Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

No problem.  The vero can probably be compressed a little.
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Re: Looking for Cab Sim and Headphone amp project

Thanks guys. Will have a look at the links and get the iron hot.