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Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

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Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

Peter Venkman
59 posts
All I can find is flangers or chorus pedals that utilized this IC. O was able to harvest a few of them from some laboratory grade test equipment  and I was hoping to find a way to use them in a delay so I’m not saddled with using a PT2399. The unit I pulled it out of is actually a 15v rack mount delay module for an EKG machine made by a company called BAK Electronics. I contacted them and they sent me data sheets, schematics and user/tech manuals for the equipment but I’d like to see what kind of other options are out there besides just re-housing their board and swapping the BNC connectors for 1/4” jacks.

The ICs are all socketed on the boards and I’ve tested the rack units and the delay functions work, it’s just that all I’m finding is info on Bucket Brigade stuff. The rack mount unit will do up to 42ms from the main out put and exactly half of that delay time from the second output. So the pot on it just turns down the main delay time then the secondary delay time is cut in half. It sounds pretty cool with a function generator hooked up to it but I want to get weirder with it. The people at BAK Electronics told me that you can increase the delay time with the trim pots on the board so it’s not limited to a max of 42ms. They asked what I was doing with the stuff and I told them making guitar pedals and they thought that was cool and sent me all the schematics and guides for their whole catalog.

I saw on reverb these ICs go for like $130 and I have like 26 of them, I wouldn’t charge anywhere near that price, but obviously people are still using them. So any of you guys and gals know of any layouts that use the SAD1204A?
make them loud enough to melt the sun
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Re: Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

1993 posts
I have a friend with an Electric Mistress that needs a SAD1024 so I’d be interested in getting one for him if you sold any

People are using these to repair vintage electro harmonix equipment. Unfortunately I don’t know of any layouts that use them because they are so obsolete no DIYers can afford to use them. I can tell you that the first version electric Mistress and memory man used them, you may be able to find PCB layouts for those
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Re: Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

64 posts
I think that because they are relatively short delays (1024 buckets) they are commonly used in flangers but as you have found they are rare and very sought after, If you want to build a delay I would sell them and by something more appropriate and cheaper, I know that they are used in the AD/A Flanger amongst others. You are sitting on a bit of a gold mine.
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Re: Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

1993 posts
Good call on the ADA Flanger. I believe the MXR Flanger and Ross Flanger also used the SAD1024

Beware though that all PCBs and layouts that I have seen for these circuits have been modified to use the MN3007 or MN3207 because nobody wants to sell a product that nobody has the parts to build
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Re: Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

Sensei Tim
809 posts
I think the original EHX clone theory pedals used the SAD chips before the mn3007.
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Re: Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

Peter Venkman
59 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
Im still pulling them from a bunch of lab equipment I inherited. Luckily they were all socketed!!!!!! So thats a bonus. I have 26 untested ones so far. I want to get an accurate count of what Ive got first but id definitely be down to sell some or most of them pretty cheap since they were free to me, if someone can find use for them. When I get them all pulled and know how many I need for myself, Ill make a post in the appropriate section of the forum here. Cool?
make them loud enough to melt the sun
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Re: Looking for a layout that incorporates a RETICON SAD1024A

Peter Venkman
59 posts
In reply to this post by scimitar
The rack mount Analogue delay I pulled the first one from listed 42ms as the delay time but it also had a 1x or 10x multiplier toggle so 420ms out of that machine at 15v. There is also a secondary outpt that cuts the delay time exactly in half of the main output. The delay unit was made by BAK Industries and is used for EKG machines and agricultural vet schools. I contacted them about schematics and they gave me schematics and user manuals for everything they ever built. Super nice people.
make them loud enough to melt the sun