Looks like a cool practice/rehersal tool

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Looks like a cool practice/rehersal tool

I quite like the look of THIS, literally band in a box........in a box.
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: Looks like a cool practice/rehersal tool

Hell yeah! I suspect that this thing won't be easy to do and probably not through-hole parts either.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Looks like a cool practice/rehersal tool

In reply to this post by dexxyy
I want one NOW!

Much easier to work with than a pissed up drummer who keeps falling off his stool and a bass player who refuses to believe guitar volume is good.ALWAYS
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Re: Looks like a cool practice/rehersal tool

I've been eying those pretty hard. There seems to be a fair wait to get your hands on one. In fact I just spent my trio fund on part of a trade on a Tele today. I figure by the time the rush slows down I should have money again.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Looks like a cool practice/rehersal tool

Looks like an essential tool to have if you're a street musician, when you're at a party and people ask if you can play something. Or just plainly when you have to deal with yet another knowitall drummer or off into his own little world bass player.

Philosophically though it makes me weep for the future. It used to be that automation would make our lives simpler by getting rid of hard menial labor. Now its getting rid of any kind of repetitive labor in all sectors of business and industry. And not its encroaching in our last refuge, creative arts. The music industry is already being flooded by socalled 'producers' who know how to copy and paste socalled music together on their laptops, now we get instant backup bands in pedals as well?