Loop and blend pedal idea

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Loop and blend pedal idea

I'm away from home for the weekend but got woken up at silly o'clock in the morning by the cat, so thought I'd try and draw a wiring diagram for a pedal I've been meaning to build for a while...

I want to put a reverb set on 100% wet in a loop pedal that can allow me to switch between two modes:
 1) simple true bypass loop for those hazy 100% wet sounds :)
 2) blender mode in which my dry signal goes through straight and the 100% wet signal is blended in with a pot (ie CCW=no verb, CW=verb level as loud as it gets)

This is what I came up with, using two buffers to split the signal both before, to keep a dry signal path for the blend mode while also sending it to the effect, and after to send the straight 100% wet signal both straight and through a volume pot:

Won't have a chance to put this together until next week but thought I'd share in case anyone might be interest as well as for review and discussion. Wouldn't be too surprised if there was something I completely missed...!
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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

This post was updated on .
Still haven't had a chance to put this together, but just drawn a rough schem for the buffer/splitters to be used. I'm pretty set on the klon op amp buffer for both its simplicity and transparency/lack of noticeable voume boost and designed a completely unverified dual output version using a dual op amp instead of the single the original calls for. Here is my rough drawing (not really a schem since I've drawn it around a graphical representation of the op amp...!). Sorry for the scrappiness and poor writing (put this together while at work...). Does that look right to you guys? Any input would be very much appreciated :) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/65506935/Photo%2027-02-2013%2011%2006%2017.jpg
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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea


Very interesting. Once I get through my current build queue, I'd love to try this!

I'd like to also do a similar thing, preferably without needing to gut my effect but will do if necessary.

I'd like to have a delay signal split into dry and wet (with a mix knob, naturally) and have the wet part have a separate loop that would enable me to affect only the wet signal with, say, an OD.

I was thinking of just tapping into the mix pot of the delay pedal (I have some ideas on this but not verified) but like I said, I'd be more inclined to build something that doesn't include opening the delay pedal itself.
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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

In reply to this post by alex.s
Ross' thread about his bass OD hybrid circuit made me want to dig up this old idea. I've drawn a schematic for the buffered splitter, which is based on the Klon splitter.

Would this get the job done? Any feedback or suggestion would be much appreciated!

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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

Did you already try this? cause I was also thinking that if I make a blend pedal, I want to have the possibility to use it as a normal loop.

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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

Haven't actually built this in the end as purpose made reverb pedals got in the way...!

Still want to knock one up though as I'd actually like to have those old school Yamaha rack verbs as an option for guitar without midi in the way (and with true bypass, bypass on those things is horrible!)
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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

Actually, I just finished something like that, and did it exactly that way:

I used the ROG splitter-blend schematic and am using a footswitch to take the output from either pin 2 or 3 of the blend pot: works great!
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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

That sounds great. Looking at mine and yours it seems the only real difference is in the blender mode, as mine adds wet signal to the full strenght dry sound while yours passes a proportional mix of wet and dry. Both useful but different, and I guess between the two designs different needs can be easily catered for.

I'd love to have the option of having full dry volume up to halfway with wet blending in graduallyup to unity, and vice versa on the second half of the taper, will need to have a look around if that can somehow be achieved... :)
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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

i see what you mean, i do such things in the digital domain to blend signals, and if i'm not mistaken, the "balance" control works like this on stereo hi-fi systems (or used to), well it doesn't mix the outputs of left and right... jesus, so hard to explain, hope you see what i mean :D

CCW is full left on the left channel and 0 right on the right channel
on the way to center, right signal gradually fades in
center is full signals on both channels
on the way to CW left signal gradually fades out
CW is full right on the right channel and 0 left on the left channel

i really don't know how to achieve this, since there must be a "2 segments" curve...
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Re: Loop and blend pedal idea

just in case, alex.s

what you're looking for appears to be a MN taper balance pot! (just came across this...)