Lovepedal Eternity Burst - hum

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Lovepedal Eternity Burst - hum

Hey there - I've built two of these pedals now and in both I get a pretty decent hum going on. Is this normal for this pedal? It seems fairly low compared to the signal volume, but its definitely my noisiest dirt pedal. Would appreciate any thoughts...
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Re: Lovepedal Eternity Burst - hum

I don't remember mine humming but I do remember getting a switching 'pop' on both builds and put me off building any more.
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Re: Lovepedal Eternity Burst - hum

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
Try a low value resistor like 100 ohms in series with the supply and input
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Re: Lovepedal Eternity Burst - hum

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
One of the ones I built had higher than normal hum but I just put it down to a bad build, I never ended up boxing it so I didn't investigate further.
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Re: Lovepedal Eternity Burst - hum

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
I built one and used it for a while before giving it to a friend for his bday as he fell in love with it and then built another which I haven't boxed yet. No hum coming from either though. Can't remember if the layout already includes some sort of power filtering, though I'm pretty sure it had a cap between 9v and ground. The low value resistor Mark mention could be a useful addition but, should it not be already included, I wouldn't put the hum down to the lack of series resistor on the 9v since in my experience it's not a "humm-y" build?!
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Re: Lovepedal Eternity Burst - hum

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
Hey thanks for the help guys -- I think I'll try the resistor trick. To be fair, the first one was only my second build, and the second time I built it was my first dual-box effect (boxed with a klon) -- so I'm sure I've got a wonky joint or something somewhere. Maybe I'll give it one more go just for fun... its a nice sound for sure (the pedal, not the hum :) )