Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

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Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

This little beast sounds great, here's the schematic:
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

Really nice sounding pedal! saludos desde Granada compañero
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

Let's hope Mark or Miro take a look to this schematic, it seems not very difficult :)

Saludos recibidos en Madrid compañero! Ya somos unos cuantos españoles por aqui!

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
Here is the OLC Chunky Cheese schematic (same circuit but higher output)
There is also a vero by LaceSensor
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

OMFG! Thank you very much :) Did search so bad this vero but didn't see it on FSB! Have to finish two pedals  before monday, bur this one will be my next project :)

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

I've been wanting try that vero for a very long time but still haven't tried it. Let us know what you think about it, and show some guts afterwards :)
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

I'm building it right now, but have no 3P4T rotary left, so, I think that tomorrow evening  I'll be able to verify this vero.... or not, who knows? :P The board seems quite correct, so I hope it  will work.

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

Board finished, let's hope that tomorrow when I buy the rotary it works fine!

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

Hahahaha! I had a 3P4T forgotten in a bag, I remembered that I purchased 5 for the Meatball just in case!!!!!

Well, the vero is ok, just lacks a link between pins 2 and 6 of IC2, the rest is perfect.

What a monstuous fuzz! Really  rocks! It will get boxed as soon as I receive the 3PDTs that I have on the mail (let's hope this week :P).

Miro,  it seems that finally it was not so big and undoable on vero. It fits on a 125B for the rotary, if it would be not present, it would fit a 1590B. The wiring is not difficult at all, a joke if compared to the Megalith, Musket, Triple wreck, Magnus Modulus and many others, and the board, while is not small, is no way bigger than many other ones.

More than recommended build. Lovetone created really fine effects.

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

Ok, my bad. No need to link pins 2-6 of IC2.

There's a mod that belongs to the Chunky Cheese in order to get more output, so. the vero is perfect and works really fine on all settings, verbatim to the Big Cheese demos you can watch on the net.

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

And finally received my lot of 3PDT's (don't know what happens with my supplier, but my orders used to take about 12 days and now, al least a month, didin't want but I have to change  of seller)

So, today I've just finished the pedal. Just mention that as I supposed, with power supply it gets really noisy, so I had to use the 220uf + 220r trick, and now is really silent.

Really lovely pedal, is like gettin' a fuzz face, a tonebender, a Big Muff and a Bluesbreaker in the same enclosure.  You won't regret if you build it.

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese (Fuzz)

By the way, the enclosure is a Retex RM6, very similar in size to the 1590BB, but with a cool vintage looking, perfect for this kind of effects.