Mad prof mod request

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Mad prof mod request

Not sure this is the right place to post this.If it's in the wrong area please advise me where to put it and I'll get it moved.
A friend asked me to mod his mad prof golden cello to tap tempo.Is that possible.I thought maybe build a tap tempo box,but the golden cello has no expression jack.
So I see two ways to go about it.Mod tap tempo into the pedal itself,if there's room for it.
Or mod an expression jack in the pedal and build or have him buy a tap tempo box.
Any help/advice or just laughing at what might be a dumb question is highly appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Mad prof mod request

Couldn't find a schematic for it.Found a gunshot,if that helps.
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Re: Mad prof mod request

In reply to this post by TheVel
You would need to modify the original circuit with a daughterboard containing a chip that converts "tap rate" into a resistance connected to the PT2399 pin 6. These chips are usually available pre-programmed with code. There is one called the "tapflo" by Electric Druid, and another called the "taptation" by the Tone God, and they can be bought from the usual DIY suppliers like Smaller.
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Re: Mad prof mod request

Well,that's a much easier solution than the two I had thought of!Thanks so much!