Madbean Aquaboy Deluxe can kiss my ass...

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Madbean Aquaboy Deluxe can kiss my ass...

6 hours last night.  

6 freakin hours...  agonizing care with every single detail...  audio probing, component checking, signal tracing, solder-joint checking, madnessssss.....

When, lawd, when gone be mah time?

Now I'm starting to suspect bad/counterfeit MN3205 chips... but I'm too stupid to know how to really confirm that short of buying more of the expensive-ass things and waiting a month to get them and possibly finding out they work the exact same as what I've got now.

Anyway, this is the sort of thing that just takes it out of me.

UGH.  At work and bored now and thought I'd share the misery.
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Re: Madbean Aquaboy Deluxe can kiss my ass...

Don't feel bad.  With PCB builds, it's usually bad components (or perhaps a wrong value?) and not stuff like a solder bridge on a vero track.  It could be a cold solder joint, so try reflowing.  But perhaps for now just set it aside and come back to it sometime when you have some energy.

I recently finished a 1776 Effects Multiplex Jr. (tape-style PT2399-based delay) and it's pretty nice.
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Re: Madbean Aquaboy Deluxe can kiss my ass...

In reply to this post by Heath
I have the board and the supposed MN3205 chips from fleabay on hand.  Still dreading working on this one.
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Re: Madbean Aquaboy Deluxe can kiss my ass...

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Frank_NH wrote
I recently finished a 1776 Effects Multiplex Jr. (tape-style PT2399-based delay) and it's pretty nice.
Yep, I did the Mutliplex echo machine.  Having some trouble with the second stomp, but it's minor enough that it's still one of the best delays I have even without it.  Fantastic circuit.

I just liked the idea of having a non-pt2399 based diy delay as well.  Stinkin Aquaboy!
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Re: Madbean Aquaboy Deluxe can kiss my ass...

In reply to this post by negativefx
negativefx wrote
I have the board and the supposed MN3205 chips from fleabay on hand.  Still dreading working on this one.
One word of warning. Brian's documentation is usually great, but every time he gets to important information in the document for the Aquashit Deluxe he seems to go completely amnesiac about the MN3205 even though he lists it as the "second best" chip in the list.

"here's the best clock to use for every chip except the MN3205"

"use this or that resistor value for every chip except the MN3205"

"use D3 for these chips, but not for those chips.. for the MN3205 you take a wild guess"
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Re: Madbean Aquaboy Deluxe can kiss my ass...

Ya know, I just checked... I didn't get the MN3205.  I got the 3101 and 3007 chips.  I think my decision on that was that if I liked the results enough, I'd make another one with 3205's.  (It's been almost a year since I ordered the board and chips)

Looking at some reviews, I think I'll just get cool audio v3205s instead of nos mn3205s.  $5 a pop from small bear ain't bad.