Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

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Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

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I built the MFZ-1 a while ago and while I like it, at low drive settings it gets very muddy. so, I modded mine to switch between the stock pedal, and added a 'soft mode switch for lower gain. the cool thing is that you can use IvIark's vero and just move one 2u2 cap to the left, add 1 link, 2 cuts, a resistor and a DPDT on/on switch. here's my modded layout:

now, in the lower gain setting it's able to have more highs and clarity.
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Re: Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

Awesome John!

Love your modified layouts. Been building the fixed Ghost Echo (before Harald updated his layout) the Box of Hall with added dwell and i'm going to build the Death by Audio Robot (with the rotary switch) and now this one! The MFZ was high up on the to do list anyway. :)

/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

In reply to this post by johnk
I totally felt the same way about this circuit. WAY too muddy at lower gain levels. Thanks a ton for this, i'll try it tonight!
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Re: Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

Thanks John,
no TL022's to hand at the moment but I'll definitely having a go at this one.
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Re: Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

I built this one today. The gain knob didn't work at first and it sounded very dark, until I noticed a small error on the layout - the 2u2 electrolyte to the left needs the top leg to be moved down one row. As it is now drive 1 isn't connected to anything.

Other then that is works fine and sound pretty good.

edit: btw, I used a TL062 insted of a TL022 and it sounds good. :)

/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

damn copy and paste. I have corrected it now. thanks!
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Re: Maestro MFZ-1 soft/hard fuzz mode mod

I built one up yesterday too, and was testing it just as Freppo was posting his correction, so thanks John and Freppo, you have saved me the headscratching.

BTW I'm waiting on an order of various TL's to arrive, so I used a JRC4558 in mine, and it sounds fine.

I can see myself getting a considerable amount of "Satisfaction" from this one.