Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

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Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

Thought I'd throw this one out there to maybe go on the list as I'd love to rebuild this but the Jfet biasing keeps putting me off so some trimmers would be great on the existing layout.

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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

I'll check it over mate
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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots


I very nearly bought a 6 nobber on ebay for £155 but I just couldn't do it!
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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

Ooh buy pedals?!?  Nah
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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

In reply to this post by Vince
I've had a look over it mate and I don't think it would be the best way to do it to adapt this board.  To get the drains within standard trimmer distance of the supply rail, avoid affecting other components linking on the rows between drain and supply, and adding enough width to physically fit the trimmers on the board would end up adding a good few rows and columns.  It would be much more manageable, and easy to actually perform the biasing if we added a little separate daughterboard for the trimmers.  The bonus being that it could be mounted away from the main board, or even float above it and so not add anything else to the size of the main board.  A length of ribbon cable or similar to link to supply and all the drains is all that would be needed and then something like this for the daughterboard:

I may do a new layout including trimmers because if I'm accommodating them from the start I can do things a different way rather than trying to adapt an existing layout.

Alternatively if you use the trimmers with long legs that you can snip to size like the Alps RH06, you could just mount the trimmers in place of the resistors with no mods at all.
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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

Nice one mate!.. I'll hopefully get around to doing it soon

Much appreciated
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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

If you just wanted to use long lead trimmers, these would probably be perfect
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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

Excellent. I was just looking for some of those. So would I just use the outer legs in place of each end of the resistor.. I must of seen it a hundred times but still need to second guess
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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

In reply to this post by IvIark
I got it, either tie the middle leg to either outside leg and use the outside legs of just use the middle and either outside leg.... I think...

Gotta love Google images!

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Re: Menatone King Of Britains with trimpots

You don't even need to do that mate, because you're making it a variable resistor you only really need the middle leg and any one of the other legs.  Just snip the other leg completely and don't bother with it.