Microphone Preamps

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Microphone Preamps

Tune Tone
Hey Guys
I really enjoy the goods that this site has to offer and I learned a lot about building vero layouts together. Thank you so much for it!
Now I wonder.. if any of you deal with Microphone Pre amps ver layout as well, and can forward me to a bunch of verified layouts ? more precise would be clones of good brands that usually costs a fortune  to buy original ...

thank's a bunch!!
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Re: Microphone Preamps

Neil mcNasty
We are almost in the same boat, same ocean at least...

I have been looking trough alot of different Mic-preamps lately, but contrary to you, I am not looking for clones of good brands. That will cost you more than buing the original.
The prices of small ammounts of Lundahl Transformers, excludes these from my plans.
What I am looking for are the vintage stuff and the small magical circuits that colors the sound alot.
I have made a layout for a Helios style preamp, but I have not built it yet, I absolutly shure that the layout has many mistakes, since I am not used to that size boards.
I also had a look at the Neve preamps, but got even more confused...

So I started to look for more simple stuff, like Germanium preamps & JFet Preamps, and I will try to build some of them in the future, since I've been drawing up an old school RCA-style mixer, with several different preamp variations for Mic, Line and Guitar.

If you are looking for high quality preamps to build, there are quite a lot of DIY kits out there...
Have you done a search for DIY Mic Preamp Kit?

I do not have any verified Mic Preamp layouts, but I can post some of the more simple ones I have drawn, if you are interested. But it is nothing fancy (according to audiophiles and people who buy snake oil stuff)
If there is any similarity with building/designing pedals, then I reckon that the simple stuff should also sound pretty good.
In the pedal world, that's the stuff that really sounds great, so I'm crossing my fingers and hope that I will discover a secret little gem among the stuff I've looked trough and drawn layouts for...
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Re: Microphone Preamps

My buddy built some Neve preamp kits that sound really great, but I think it was a couple hundred bucks for the kit.

That's a good circuit to look into though
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Re: Microphone Preamps

Tune Tone
which circuit are you talking about ? links ?
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Re: Microphone Preamps

Tune Tone
In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
Neil mcNasty wrote
We are almost in the same boat, same ocean at least...

I have been looking trough alot of different Mic-preamps lately, but contrary to you, I am not looking for clones of good brands. That will cost you more than buing the original.
The prices of small ammounts of Lundahl Transformers, excludes these from my plans.
What I am looking for are the vintage stuff and the small magical circuits that colors the sound alot.
I have made a layout for a Helios style preamp, but I have not built it yet, I absolutly shure that the layout has many mistakes, since I am not used to that size boards.
I also had a look at the Neve preamps, but got even more confused...

So I started to look for more simple stuff, like Germanium preamps & JFet Preamps, and I will try to build some of them in the future, since I've been drawing up an old school RCA-style mixer, with several different preamp variations for Mic, Line and Guitar.

If you are looking for high quality preamps to build, there are quite a lot of DIY kits out there...
Have you done a search for DIY Mic Preamp Kit?

I do not have any verified Mic Preamp layouts, but I can post some of the more simple ones I have drawn, if you are interested. But it is nothing fancy (according to audiophiles and people who buy snake oil stuff)
If there is any similarity with building/designing pedals, then I reckon that the simple stuff should also sound pretty good.
In the pedal world, that's the stuff that really sounds great, so I'm crossing my fingers and hope that I will discover a secret little gem among the stuff I've looked trough and drawn layouts for...
Hey yes.. well let me correct myself.. I'm not in particularly into the clones of fancy brands such as Neve (as much as I desire this kind of coloration).
I'm willing to epxerience building myself and circuit that is working well.
In a recording situation and specially for rock / garage this analog piece might come in handy. So what the hack..
anything you got (besides a gun please..). shoot me with it!


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Re: Microphone Preamps

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Tune Tone
I do not have the links where I found the schematics, but if I remember correctly I included information or names that will lead to the schematics when doing a web-search...

Here are some small and simple layouts that I made
(Sorry! Not built or verified yet):

Not all of these are Mic preamps. There are some line preamps as well.
From what I understand... alll Mic-Preamps converts the Mic signal to a Line signal, meaning that it should be possible to make a sircuit that transforms the signal from Mic to Line, and then you have alot of options for the preceding preamp-stage, as you now have a wider variety of options to play around with... (I might be wrong... Please chip in and correct me if that is not the case)

Hope you'll find something interesting...
I'll have a look around in the next couple of days, and I'll see what I come up with.
If I find something interesting... I'll post it here!

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Re: Microphone Preamps

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Tune Tone
Found this old RCA preamp + some mixer stuff and a fuzz:
Also look trough the rest of the website.
Seems like they got some info that you will enjoy...
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Re: Microphone Preamps

myron tataryn
In reply to this post by Tune Tone
Hi Niel,I had what i thought would be a quick look at preservationsound website and as a consequence the rest of the day sort of disappeared,cool site though.Thanks for that,yours Myron