Mid Gig Pedal Failures

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Mid Gig Pedal Failures

Ciaran Haslett
Had my (drum roll) THIRD switch related pedal failure last night! since finding this fantastic site a year ago.

My hearthrob tremolo started modulating my amps volume EVEN in bypass.  Looking at it this morning it seems the PDRs strapped over the input/output lugs on the switch (for popping) are intermittently making connections with lugs they are not supposed to.  

Not even sure if that scenario is plausible (volume modulation had nothing to do with the rate of the trem) but thats as far as my knowledge goes so I'm calling it a failure until someone provides me with proof otherwise, in triplicate

I TB'd my original WH10 wah but had to set the switch pretty high to avoid the PCB.  The treadle was making contact at an angle and eventually stressed the wee brass pin inside the switch itself.  I had to finish that song trying to find a spot in the sweep that didn't sound like a bag of wasps before I could rip the wah out of the chain.

Another failure was during a solo in George Michaels Faith (don't judge, wedding band).  Kicked in my 808 but knew instantly something didn't feel right.  Went to kick it off but the switch was laying flat.  Couldn't turn the damn thing off.  Fiddled the volume on my guitar for clean and ripped the pedal out before the next tune.  Turned out the spring that pushes the switch back up actually snapped!

All genuine switches as far as I can see.  You could even write these failures up to user error (poor wiring, poor mounting, lead foot).

But I'm interested to hear your stories.  

Ever have a pedal run away with itself mid song?  
Total catastrophic pedalboard failure?
Switches shit the bed?

Our stories could help others deal with a situation should it ever arise.

Get posting!
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Re: Mid Gig Pedal Failures

I've gigged my Zendrive clone with no problems.  I have only used the Mammoth "Pro" 3PDT switch (one of their more expensive ones) in my builds.  I also try to make sure that all my internal components and wiring are robust and well-insulated so that an accidental short is remote.

"...solo in George Michaels Faith..."

That's actually a cool solo - very Rockabilly (as is the whole song).
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Re: Mid Gig Pedal Failures

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
I've had the occasional defective switch, (get it all wired up, thinking it's going in the "show me your pedal guts" thread and BAM... nothing) but I've yet to have one crap out on me like that. I do have issues with the black plastic jacks from Tayda coming loose and shorting from time to time.