Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz

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Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz

Hi guys, I've been trying to debug this for weeks now. Everything works absolutely fine, except for the mid pot. It has no effect whatsoever on the tone. I've check my pot and it is not dead, I've run a hot iron and a hacksaw through my tracks, checked wiring, but no luck.

After looking at the schematic, I noticed something. Shouldn't the 10nF capacitor going to ground right next to Tone 1 be a 47nF one instead ? I've come to that conclusion after look at this schematic:

Link to the vero layout:

I'm tired and going slightly mad about this, but I'm pretty sure I count two 10nF capacitors and the vero but only one on the schematic, and only two 47nF cap on the vero instead of three on the schematic.

If I'm wrong the the vero layout is correct, any ideas what could be wrong ?

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Re: Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz

Update: changed the 10nF capacitor for a 47nF, mid pot is still doing nothing. The pedal does seem to sound a little bit better though, less of a veil/less muddy. But that might just be placebo.

Back to square one trying to figure out why that damn mid pot doesn't work. Any idea and suggestion welcome.
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Re: Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz

you're definitely correct that the 10nF cap off tone 1 should be 47nF, that's my mistake and surprised no one caught it sooner, so i'll update the layout as soon as i can.

now, as for the issue with your build. are you sure everything is working correctly? without some pictures of your build it's hard to say. assuming the tone pot is working correctly, just not the mids pot, my guess would be one of the mids wires is misplaced.

definately post some pictures of the top & bottom of you're build. will significantly help in trying to help you out.
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Re: Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz

This post was updated on .
Yes everything works correctly, volume goes to quiet from big muff loud, tone goes dark to bright, and the gain goes from bluesy type gain to roaring thunder.

I've made some pictures:

Since it's early in the morning I've made a bunch of mistakes in my labeling in the images. On the diode side of the board, wires are as follow:

Tone 1
Drive 1
Mid 1&2
Tone 2
Drive 2

On the 56nF side of the board, wires are as follow:

Volume 1
Volume 3
Tone 3
Drive 3
Mid 3

Hope it helps
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Re: Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz

In reply to this post by Guzz
To be a bit blunt, in my experience that is exactly how a Big Muff “mids pot mod” tends to work. I bought an EQD Hoof and I’ll be damned if there’s any difference when you adjust that knob. It may be very dependent on the amplifier or something.

In general I think this modification is a marketing gimmick to counteract the idea that Big Muffs are useless in a live mix. Slap that knob on there and people assume the pedal is more useable

The Skreddy type mids switch has a noticeable effect. Haven’t heard a mids pot actually make a noticeable difference on a Big Muff personally

In my opinion it is possible that there is a build error or it is possible that the pot is highly ineffective by design
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Re: Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz

The layout looks OK to me, maybe the error is in the schematic itself.

Anyway, the video I saw on youtube led me to believe the mid pot was more effective than mine is. But you might very well be correct about the whole marketing thing.

For now I've upped the 56nF cap to 100nF. Now it's somewhat vaguely possible, if you listen reaaaally closely to hear a difference. Maybe it's my setup.