Mojohand Iron Bell mods

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Mojohand Iron Bell mods

Hey guys,

I've gotta fella who wants me to build an iron bell, but he's hoping I can make it a bit sort of more "pushy, you know that feeling you get from an aggresive distortion". Have any of you modded this one? I know its BMP variant, so maybe there's something I can do to the gain structure?
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Re: Mojohand Iron Bell mods

Lazy Swamis
I built it more or less stock, except for some small variations where I lacked the correct value. It has a lot of volume. I imagine you could take a look at some of the BMP mods, but really, if you get the contour working right, it has a pretty wide flavor variation. You might just socket the transistors and try a bunch of different ones to get what you like.
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Re: Mojohand Iron Bell mods

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
A little bit primitive perhaps, but have you considered tacking a little boost on before the input? Maybe make it bypassable, so you can hit the front end of the pedal harder.
Just a suggestion.
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Re: Mojohand Iron Bell mods

+1 to Dave's suggestion.  The muskett fuzz does this with its pregain by basically adding a LPB-1 type boost in front of the muff circuit.
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Re: Mojohand Iron Bell mods

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
Any recommended mods for bass?  

I was thinking about adding a split n blend, but any other potential improvements for bass guitar would be interesting.