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My guitar just got a lot louder :0

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My guitar just got a lot louder :0

1993 posts
Just picked up a Twin Reverb off craigslist yesterday. This amp is freakin powerful for a combo. So much headroom, but when you crank it up past about 6 or 7 the breakup is face melting. Sounds amazing with or without pedals, totally the fuzz lover's best friend <3

 photo 6687CE80-BCEC-4246-8101-2B8A2BB4D760_zpsi65l3rom.jpg
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

Sensei Tim
809 posts
Sweet amp!  There's a reason why they're classics! Congrats!

In other news, give your back my condolences ;)
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

610 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
Congrats! Love Twins.. Live in an apartment but will never ever sell it. Even at low volume it's tone heaven. Sold a Rockerverb for it and never regretted it. Enjoy!
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

1993 posts
In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
This already has casters on it, but yeah it's not light when you get to the stairs. Worth it for the sound!

Marbles - I'm in heaven dude. You're right it sounds great at low volumes and IMO it has pretty good control over the quiet end of the volume pot for such a loud amp. What year is yours?
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

487 posts
My first amp was a Fender Twin Reverb. A 70's silverface with orange JBL speakers. I still have it. It's got an amazing sound and has sold me from the very start that my base get go sound should always be a Fender Twin. I plan to be buried in this thing, it will go with me into the grave. But I will never gig again with this monster because its just too damn heavy to haul around by myself.

One thing has always amazed me with this behemoth, who does it only have one handle? Unless you're an Olympic weight lifter there's no way anyone can safely carry this backbreaker around with only one hand. The Vox AC30 is a monster of equal size and weight but it at least has two handles, allowing two men to safely carry it around. And yet Fender persists with equipping new Twin amps with just one handle.
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

610 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
I can imagine!
I bought a 1974 Silverface with some mods. No idea what the guy did, but it sounds amazing. I love the fact that it doesn't need to be driven towards breaking up to sound great. Low volume is gorgeous. I thought about selling it for a more practical Deluxe Reverb or something, but everytime I plug in I'm like: Nah, never going to sell it.
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

1993 posts
In reply to this post by Muadzin
Muadzin wrote
My first amp was a Fender Twin Reverb. A 70's silverface with orange JBL speakers. I still have it. It's got an amazing sound and has sold me from the very start that my base get go sound should always be a Fender Twin. I plan to be buried in this thing, it will go with me into the grave. But I will never gig again with this monster because its just too damn heavy to haul around by myself.

One thing has always amazed me with this behemoth, who does it only have one handle? Unless you're an Olympic weight lifter there's no way anyone can safely carry this backbreaker around with only one hand. The Vox AC30 is a monster of equal size and weight but it at least has two handles, allowing two men to safely carry it around. And yet Fender persists with equipping new Twin amps with just one handle.
That sounds cool. Were the JBLs a factory upgrade? I bet those add some extra weight! Some are heavier than others, mine is about 65lbs which I admit is a little bit much in one arm if you're traveling any extended distance

The thing is heavy but it sounds so good I accepted the challenge. Hopefully I don't regret that, but I don't think I'll tire of the sound anyway.

Marbles wrote
I can imagine!
I bought a 1974 Silverface with some mods. No idea what the guy did, but it sounds amazing. I love the fact that it doesn't need to be driven towards breaking up to sound great. Low volume is gorgeous. I thought about selling it for a more practical Deluxe Reverb or something, but everytime I plug in I'm like: Nah, never going to sell it.

You're totally right dude, the low volume sounds are great. I've read so many posts saying the twin is overpowered but it sounds great at low volume. Who buys a 85 watt non master volume tube amp for amp distortion at home levels anyway??

How are you guys setting your controls? Got any pics?
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

M. Spencer
152 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
That's tone city! Nice find.  What year is it?

I sold my '73 Twin when we moved,  really miss it.  
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

610 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
No pics yet. My starting point for controls is what I believe to be the classic setting: 666 or the magic 6.
As in: Volume 6, Treble 6, Mid 3 and Bass 2 (3x2=6), reverb i usually have around 2 or 3.

My volume is never that high though and I adjust the mids a bit higher, but I always keep the 'magic 6' in the back of my head.

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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

1993 posts
Thanks for the tip I didn't know that is the classic setting. Coincidentally I have been setting mine with bass, mid, and treb all at 6. For playing at home I can't really push the volume past about 2.5-3 without it getting a little ridiculous though

Do you usually have the bright switch on when you use it like that?
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

610 posts
Oh my volume does not go past 2.5 ever either haha. The pot even gets scratchy around 3 cause it's been in that position for so long.

I play mostly single coils (though my epi sheraton sounds amazing through it), so the bright switch is a bit much in most cases for me.

My ears trick me easily though I must admit. If I play with the bright switch on for some reason, and then turn it off, it sounds more muffled ofcourse than before and I doubt what sounds better :/ Can't trust my ears.

Normally, I go for off when playing single coils, on when using humbuckers.
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

1993 posts
I tried your setting yesterday (with bright switch on) and it is really nice

I know what you mean with the bright switch lol. It sounds good either way really, I'm kindof digging it with the bright switch on mostly
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

610 posts
I read about it a little after your last post. Apparently it was originally put there to help make the amp shine when playing at low volumes, cause that tends to or could sound more dark.
When you play very loud it doesn't make a lot of difference and it gets bypassed sort of.
It makes sense, but don't know if it's true.
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

1993 posts
Good point. Looking at the schematic, it is basically just a treble bleed cap on the volume pot so that explains why it doesn't really affect the high volume sounds
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

25 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
     Congratulations! I have a '75 silverface Twin Reverb which I don't think has ever gone above 4.5, which is frighteningly loud! I've had it since, 1992, when they were quite unfashionable and cheap in the UK.
     It's a great amp for pedals. In fact, the only pedal which really didn't sound good with it was the Hotcake, although that pedal sounds great on my Orange AD30 and even better on my mate's AC30.
The weight though!
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Re: My guitar just got a lot louder :0

64 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
I'm running a Twin in an apartment as a practice amp, it works great at low volume.

I went through quite a few smaller low wattage amps when we first moved here, none of them came close to the huge sound of the Twin.