So the misses had been yelling at me for awhile that the Mesa is too damn loud to be used all the time when I fiddle around, or test pedals since I build at night and sometimes test late, and I need a small amp for a local guitar show for demos, so I finally broke down and bought a little amp.

It's one of those ampeg micro vr amps. Modeled after the old school svt, it's a MOSFET driven 200watt class d amp, with matching 2x10 cab. Seriously has some power for only 200watt, and I A-Bed it with the tube SVT and its damn near identical. It's not a perfect match, but it's as close as you can get in an easily transportable package, can get the right tones at low volumes, and looks the part. on top of all that I got it for a steal.