New tayda coupon

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New tayda coupon

Sorry fellas, too lazy to dig up the old thread.

Code: taydakits
Valid: 'til september 15th

Btw: am I the only one who's stoked about them starting to stock solid shaft pots (although for now they only stock them on linear values...).
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Re: New tayda coupon

Thx Surgeon.........I was just looking for the old thread when I saw yours!

Yes, I like the solid shafts. Hopefully they'll be adding more values and types in the near future.

Gotta go build my order.....geezer
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Re: New tayda coupon

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In reply to this post by Surgeon
Thanks Surgeon, I have an order pending
I added it to the thread and asked Mark if it's possible to pin it
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Re: New tayda coupon

Excellent thank you Alltrax!

Admins: you may delete this thread since the old one has been resurrected.