Newbie question

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RE: Newbie question


What I have so far.....

Anyone know where I can buy a few of these?  

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RE: Newbie question

Where are you from? If you're from Europe, MUsikding or Banzai cover about all your bases when it comes to supplies.

America, I don't know. I hear lots of people on forums talking about stores names Mouser, Tayda or Smallbear. Maybe you can check those out?
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RE: Newbie question

In reply to this post by knight_yyz
Cool board!

Just to add to the offboard wiring conversation, I love these things

3PDT Wiring Board - New Version 4 - More Options

You don't have to solder wire to the 3PDT and get a nice spot for a bi-color LED + CLR.
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RE: Newbie question

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I want to get those mini boards but they have been out of stock for a while.  I finally found the heat sink alligator clips,  They are called something else, just couldn't figure out what to type in the search box.  

I found a guy on ebay,  whom I think is on here who is selling a similar daughter board for the 3pdt switch so I bought a few of those to try out.  I was checking out the market and saw a guy was selling the red boards and I ended up finding the seller on ebay so I bought 5 for now to try them out.