Old School Fuzz

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Old School Fuzz

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Re: Old School Fuzz

This time a ressurrection of an old jap toy.. of course i´ll be glad on receive a review of the circuit. Any suggestions for the substitute IC´s and Fet?

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Re: Old School Fuzz

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by boratto
Looks good to me!

Looks like you nailed it at the first try...

As for substitutes for the 2SC373's, I found that BC108, BC183L, BC184L, BC547 and 2N3904 should be pretty close, but beware of different pinouts...
If in doubt, I allways try 2N3904 first, just to get it up and running, and then I test other ones to check if I can make it sound better.
The 2SK30Y Fet's sounds great, so I higly recomend getting a bunch of those.
I very often use them instead of the J201's.

A small detail about labeling parts:
IC is used for OpAmps and similar 8-16 pin chips.
The correct label for transistors is "Q", as in Q1, Q2 and so on...

Thanks for the credits you are giving me!
You make me look like I actually know what I'm doing ;-)
I am still kind of fresh in this game with a limited knowledge, mostly in the "dirt" category, but I try to help as much as I can, just like so many helped me when I started building about 3 years ago.
