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Online shops

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Online shops

80 posts
When I order parts, I always do this at Banzai (www.banzaimusic.com). But I want to know what other shops are out there.

Where are you guys ordering?

The only other shops I know are Tayda (but I think they are located outside the EU?) and my local shop (they are quite expensive).

Also, I'm mainly looking for shops that are located in the EU, as I don't want to pay a shitload of money on taxes and customs etc.

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Re: Online shops

350 posts
What I liked about banzai is that they have 12mm alpha pots and all kind of caps, enclosure sizes, Si/Ge transistors, (they even sell tubes...), but it´s been a long time since I made my last order.

But for stocking resistors, pots, ICs, and some average diodes and silicon transistors, I think nothing beats Tayda in my experience, (maybe there´s something better around, I don´t know...).

I´m from Spain and never had problems with custom duties, (and they used to be brutal for that matter...),  even with 70€ orders.

Keep an eye at the "Tayda coupon thread", where you can get discounts that usually are equal to their shipping rates.
Just try it
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Re: Online shops

80 posts
Thing is, I don't trust Belgian customs for one bit.  I have heard some shit stories from friends, and my next order is going to be kinda big (stuff for 5 or 6 pedals). So I don't want to go through the whole thing of dealing with customs.

I'm definitely going to check out Tayda, I was looking at their prices and it seems to me they're really cheap.
I only thought that there would have been more big suppliers like Banzai in Europe, but apparently not.

Thanks anyway! :)
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Re: Online shops

610 posts
In reply to this post by BassVD
Hi there!

I'm located in Holland. I switch between 3 shops when I order.
Enclosures I normally order at Banzai. Their prices are ok and they carry flashy clors.

Another shop is MusikDing. They are also based in Germany. Transistors can be cheaper there. Pots are cheaper plus if you purchase more than 5 items the price can drop.

Mostly I order at Newtone Online. Reason for this is they're based in Holland, so I get my stuff the quickest. Shipping costs are a bit high for small orders sometimes, but this includes getting the order ready I guess.

I just check what I need and see what's cheapest. A VTL5C3 Vactrol at Newtone is 17,50€ or something, at Banzai 20€ I think, and MusikDing carries a version for 6,50 I think.

It pays off to look in all webshops.

If none of them carry the part I need I might look in Conrad. But their site is not easy to navigate in plus shipping is crazy. The other 3 stores specialize in effects, so I know that what they carry works in guitar pedals.

Good luck!
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Re: Online shops

487 posts
In reply to this post by BassVD
BassVD wrote
Thing is, I don't trust Belgian customs for one bit.  I have heard some shit stories from friends, and my next order is going to be kinda big (stuff for 5 or 6 pedals). So I don't want to go through the whole thing of dealing with customs.

I'm definitely going to check out Tayda, I was looking at their prices and it seems to me they're really cheap.
I only thought that there would have been more big suppliers like Banzai in Europe, but apparently not.

Thanks anyway! :)
5 or 6 pedals? If you're going to order from Tayda you're better off splitting this into 3 separate orders. I usually order a bag of stuff for 2 pedals, which costs me around €45, including $8,20 worth of shipping. You then get the ubiquitous yellow brown paper Tayda envelope which lists the order as electronics worth only $25. I've never had Dutch customs intercept one. Maybe they did, but Tayda cleverly does not include an inventory list so what the real amount is just takes too much work for a customs officer to find out. So split the total order into three separate ones and you pay about $25 in total for shipping (which is about what you would pay for an average small package from the US by the way). That's probably twice in shipping what you would have paid for for a single order but then Tayda would send it to you in a big box, and that WILL get investigated by Customs and hit with at least twice that amount in taxes and customs duties.

And has been said there are other suppliers in Europe besides Banzai, which is not one of my favorites. Musikding (also) in Germany is a good and reliable seller, there's Newtone VOF in the Netherlands, which ships to Belgium, although they are probably the most expensive. There's Bitsbox UK, which sells kits for some of the layouts on this site, but they are from the UK. So there's the Euro/Pound exchange rate to consider and who knows what will happen after Brexit. Maybe customs duties on UK shipping again as well?

Pricewise Tayda is hard to beat, probably only by Mouser if you order big. But Tayda will go a long way to help you cheat your goods past European customs. And if you order from Tayda you get the chance to build up some inventory. Resistors only come in minimums of 10. I used to think I had to order large batches to build up inventory but since I order from Tayda I got whole bags full of extra resistors lying about. Caps are sold individually but cheap enough to allow me to order 5 or 10 of each value, depending on the number I need so I got those coming out of the wazoo as well. Same with most other components. The quality on some parts might be suspect, but for private building it's good enough for me and ordering from my local suppliers I could never have hoped to build up any inventory for the kind of money I have spent.
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Re: Online shops

350 posts
<quote author="Muadzin">
BassVD wrote
 I could never have hoped to build up any inventory for the kind of money I have spent.
And the pots cost just 0.50$ per unit, plastic covers included..
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Re: Online shops

80 posts
Great stuff, thanks for everything guys!

I still have to look into all the different shops (Tayda, Newtone, Bitsbox, Musikding) to see which the cheapest/best one is. Also: the splitting orders is a great tip! Never would've thought of that one.
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Re: Online shops

myron tataryn
21 posts
In reply to this post by BassVD
UK electronic,also based in germany are good.I have had a couple of orders with them and have been satisfied.Prices are not too bad so take a look at them