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Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

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Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
The post man delivered the goods today! Check it out, I just scored this old Guild Foxey Lady which is actually a Mosrite Fuzzrite that was branded for Guild. This has the Sprague encapsulated circuit inside, and it sounds freakin AWESOME! Just like my Ge Fuzzrite but more gain. Both this and my Ge Fuzzrite are surprisingly low noise and loud fuzzes. They are kick ass to the max!! I can't get enough

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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

198 posts
If you don't mind, I'd love to see a pic of the guts! you gotta love old school stomps like this.. american made muscle fuzz!
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
Here ya go, just cracked it open

 photo 6C330772-1285-473C-9BA7-5D46BA2103EB_zpsxxd9vjtd.jpg
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

349 posts
the world's first ic. or is it a dog biscuit?

you sound thrilled, which is exactly the way it is supposed to be. good luck with it, travis.

never been a fuzzrite fan, too thin for me. people can still hear what i'm playing underneath it. but i do like shiny steel boxes like that. and they look like the mouser knobs i complimented you on on another build.
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
Thanks man! That is the patented tone biscuit

Yeah one of the original knobs broke I'd like to find some correct replacements.
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

3037 posts
It's like the ultimate in gooping. I'm surprised fooltone doesn't claim to have a patent on it and sue.
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

571 posts
Whoa, i've never seen guts done up like that. Whats the story with this?

The GE Fuzzrite I made is one of my favorite fuzz pedals. I did mod mine though. Added an input pot, and used a 3-way 4pdt toggle for the two tone caps. Stock (thin), more bass, massive bass. Every other dirt/fuzz/distortion pedal sounds tame and polite in comparison.
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
Basically the guts were Mosrite's way of streamlining the manufacturing process. They had these encapsulated circuits made by Sprague, which included the complete Fuzzrite circuit which only needed to be soldered to the pots, power, ground, and input. I'm not sure if ALL silicon Fuzzrites were made this way, or if there were some discrete versions made. Anyway this is what you typically see in a silicon Fuzzrite.

To my ears, neither this nor my germanium Fuzzrite are what I'd call thin sounding. It's not a bass monster doom machine but it seems like an odd choice for that application anyways. For guitar I find them to be suitably balanced. Not harsh highs or muddy lows. This is all subjective so it's possible that I just don't want as much bass as everyone else
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

571 posts
Thanks for the info. Surprised I never heard of that before.

I don't think it's thin in a bad way. In fact, I often use the stock setting on my build. It's got a great cutting tone. But I do find it useful to add more bass in certain situations.

Never made a silicon version. Maybe I should.

Have you built your own fuzzrite? If so, how does it compare to the originals that you have?
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
I have built modified versions of the silicon circuit but nothing very accurate. Kinda weird that I've built just about every fuzz out there except for my favorite but I guess that's because I just plug into the Fuzzrite when I get the urge.

When rocket and I met up we did a little side by side with his FR-69 clone and my Ge Fuzzrite and they sounded really close. Zach did a nice job. I'd like to build copies of each that sound exactly the same, but haven't gotten around to it yet. The Ge Fuzzrite has gotta be my favorite pedal. It is loud and gnarly. Not a hint of butt-rock coming out of that thing
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

3037 posts
agree completely with travis about the fr-69. when we compared them they were pretty close, and when they were off with a little knob twist they would be even closer.

travis, just wait till july when i'm back your ways, i'll bring the Si fuzzrite clone and some other goodies for us to play with.
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
All I can say is.. I'm gonna need some more patch cables. Lol

It's gonna be epic
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
Another recent acquisition. '78 Colorsound Supa Wah Fuzz. It has a Colorsound Fuzz Box variant and Wah in one box. Each with it's own true bypass footswitch.

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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

384 posts
Is the fuzz close to this? I can't read all the values:

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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
The topology is the same but mine has some differences

10uf DC cap vs 22uf
4.7uf emitter bypass cap vs 10uf
10K trimmer vs 5K
BC184C vs BC167B

And this one seems odd. It looks like the Q2 collector resistor is 810Ω instead of 8.2K

It has the 1K from 9V, then the 100Ω from there, then the 810Ω from there to Q2 collector
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Re: Ooooooh Foxey Lady <3

1993 posts
Here are the voltages for the fuzz with a battery putting out 9.74V

C 1.26V
B 0.57V
E 0V

C 3.57V
B 1.26V
E 0.65V