Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

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Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

hi there fellas

I'm just checking interest for vero layout of these ones that are my own originals.
There are already verified PCB layouts done for these ones, which is all I need myself.
But in case many people are showing interest I might do vero layouts aswell.
However, I will not have much time doing this stuff for a while now because i'm moving.
So if anyone else wants to do layouts you are more than welcome!

"Parasite Phaser"

It uses PWM to set up a CD4066 as variable resistors, so no fet or vactrol -matching needed. :)

"The King Corruptor" - ringmod/sequencer (work in progress video)

Depending on how you set the controls it can be used as a square-wave fuzz, a regular static ringmod and even a stand alone sequencer. :)

Please let me know if you dig them, or if you wanna help out doing a vero layout.
Cheers / Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

I don't have the skills to do the layout but will certainly build it if someone lays it out. Great work.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

extra good sounding phaser, no tickings. 1590bb and footswitch on the right side. You can imagine the size.
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by Freppo
i could give it a try bro...!if its ok with you, till tomorrow i think i could have this done
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

Of course. That's great! Take your time :)
cheers / Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Freppo
here you go!it was a tricky one. Components around tl074 got me crazy!

not verified yet, but it sounds so good that i'll start building this by tomorrow...have fun!

and Freppo, feel free to use this layout as if it was yours. thanks for your great work.
cheers man


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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

This post was updated on .
Great work!
I've also done a layout yesterday but I thought it came out too big.
It would be difficult to make them any smaller.
(I think you need to ground Pins 3 & 5 of CD40106)
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

In reply to this post by Freppo
Very nice Fredryk, and great job on the layouts both of you
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by Alex
thanks alex!
i've updated my layout. i wasn't sure about what i should do with those unused pins.thankfully it was easy to fix!chears!
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

Awesome works on the layouts!
Did anyone built this one yet?

Sorry about the late reply. I have been moving the last few days.
Most of my stuff is still in boxes..
check out my building blog at
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
thanks freppo!
i've tried mine and found that i made a mistake...i've used a wrong pinout image for tl074...

f&^%ing google!
i've used this one, witch is obvious wrong at the right side...

but i had to go for work so i didn't made the changes...
i couldn't believe that i had such a bad luck!
sometimes i have to read more carefully some things...


thanks a lot bro!
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

In reply to this post by Freppo
Hi Fredrik! Thank you for the project!
I won't be able to build it at the moment cause I'm abroad but I think my layout should match your schematic.
In regard to the other layout (forgive my ignorance but is there an english translation for your name? Do you have a nickname otherwise?) it shouldn't be too difficult to swap those components to the right places.
Fortunately there are no cuts there.
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

Lol. Albru, I've been thinking the same thing so don't feel bad. Plus, I think at some point we probably can use each others name since I think a bunch of us kinda know each other from being here for so long, lol. The only one that would have trouble is mark since there are at least 5 marks on the forum.
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

It's true. My name is Alex and I don't even remember how I came up with Albru80 (which is terrible, by the way). I think a lot of alex..."something" were taken (Or maybe I was just drunk)
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by Alex
yeah guys...!!!
you're name is Savvas.
ξεναγος νεκρόπολης means in greek something like "tourist guide in the city of dead". an old nickname that i've kept here you can call me Savvas from now on in the forum!!or maybe "Eric"...!!!witch is my graffiti tag back from 1996 when i started painting walls and trains!!!

anyway.yes albru(alex right?!!!) that will be easy to fix...tomorrow after work i'll correct my layout!
thanks a lot for everything!
and keep on soldering!
...and desoldering in my case...!!!
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

Dude!! That nickname is amazing!!! Well savvas I'm Zach in case you didn't know, so it's pleasure. Lol
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
now verified!

i've updated the layout above, so it's good to go.
i've used LM358 in place of tl022
the layout has one standing resistor...i know it's "bad" but sorry..!!!
really easy to "tune" this with the trimmer
it's a fantastic phaser (and filter i would say...)
this one will definitely eat the phase90's place in my "pedalboard" !!!!
huge thanks freppo.once again.
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

That's fantastic! Great work :)
Is it ok if I share the layout on my blog?

I hope someone verifies Alex's layout aswell. :)

cheers / Freppo
check out my building blog at
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Re: Parasite Phaser and King Corruptor Ringmod

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
sure man!
i said in my first post "feel free to use this as if it was yours!"
you did the hard part!
i did the fun part!
