Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

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Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Posted about this in the BARGAINS section last night but thought it warranted a wider audience.
Currently being sold for £19.99 with free delivery
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Addy Bart
I needed one of those... Cheers for the heads up!
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

This is a great price. Alas, this also seems to be one of those rare instances in which the best price is in a European shop that doesn't ship to the USA, rather than the other way around!
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

i'm sure if any of us in the US or just not in Europe asked one of the guys over there nicely if they would be nice enough to order one for you and ship it they would. but, yea, it's a damn good deal.
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

In reply to this post by Gentle_Jack_Jones
It doesn't even ship to Holland :/
Can't help you, sorry!
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

It's a great price though.. It's almost worth selling mine and find a way to get this one :)
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

M. Spencer
In reply to this post by bogey
If any of our UK builders are making a mass purchase and shipping over here to the US, I would love to participate...
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

someone please send me a message or email if a UK-based comes forward?.. I'd love to nab one of these, this seems like the best excuse I'll find =)
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Me too, me too.
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin


I'd volunteer to get some sorted and posted out but I gotta have an op early next week so i'll be out of action for 6 weeks.

What sort of saving are you likely to make once you taken into account postage??
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

A really good price that doesn't even compare to the cheapest ebay DCA55's.

I'm in Australia; cheapest ebay DCA55 (from Japan) is $113 = £69.

Plenty of negotiating room if anyone in the UK wants to send me one! ;-)
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin


If you are all prepared to wait a few weeks until I can get to the post office then I'd be happy to post some out providing they are paid for up front.

PM me your details and I will see what I can do.
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Got one coming from a work colleague in the UK. :-)
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Sensei Tim
Can anyone in the EU/UK help a brother out in Canada? :D
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Sensei Tim wrote
Can anyone in the EU/UK help a brother out in Canada? :D
Sure can.  PM me your address and i'll get a postage quote.  I brought 5, and have two spare.
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

   Do you still have 1 available for a fellow Builder from the Land Down Under, Australia

Cheers music6000
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

In reply to this post by PMowdes
Just a shout out to Phil (PMowdes). Got my DCA55 here in the US from Phil. I so appreciate him and the folks on this board looking out for each other. Even with intl. postage, the DCA55 was still half the cost I could get it elsewhere in the states.
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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Sensei Tim
Got my Atlas thru Phil also and it's amazing. i have no idea how i was functioning without it.  Went thru my whole bag of D9E diodes and was a bit shocked at the variation. being able to see the hfe for a transistor in seconds is amazing.  hell,  just being able to clip the leads on in any order and have it show me which pins are the CBE or DGS is worth the price alone!

i love you, phil :)

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Re: Peak Atlas DCA55@Maplin

Sensei Tim wrote
Got my Atlas thru Phil also and it's amazing. i have no idea how i was functioning without it.  Went thru my whole bag of D9E diodes and was a bit shocked at the variation. being able to see the hfe for a transistor in seconds is amazing.  hell,  just being able to clip the leads on in any order and have it show me which pins are the CBE or DGS is worth the price alone!

i love you, phil :)
Easy now, there's no need to get overexcited :)

If you are going to test trannies i suggest you make something like this.  As useful as these things are i get mega annoyed with the little clips.