Pedal works but LED doesn't.

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Pedal works but LED doesn't.

So I just finished the Wampler Ecstasy and the pedal works fine but the LED doesn't light up. I have the 9v wire coming off the board into the 9v Jack and another wire off off the same place on the jack going to a 1k resistor to the led to the foot switch. Any ideas?
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

Make sure the annode of the led connects to the resistor and the cathode to the switch. Also be sure that the pole that the switch is connecting the cathode with is ground. If it is wired this way I would say to test the led/resistor combo by itself. If that's good you may want to meter the set of poles on the switch that are being used for the led.
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

I used another LED and it's working. But the pedal is still dirty in bypass mode and there's a high pitched squeal even with the guitars volume all the way off
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

That may be above my pay grade. I'm still fairly new to electronics.. 99% of what I know has come from this site.
If I were to venture a guess, I would double check your switch wiring and all of the grounds.
Best of luck
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by NuckChorris
Sounds like you have an oscilation issue going on. This sometimes happens with high gain pedals.

I think I have heard that adding a 100 Ohm resistor from +9v to the board might help taming oscilation issues. At least it removes the high pitched noise coming from a cheap power supply.
If the power-supply is the source of the high pitched noise, you could do a search for "Huminator" which is a small circuit that I allways add to my builds, in order to elliminate pedal-power noise when using chap power supplys.
Bad ground connection can also result in oscilation on some high gain circuits.
This happend recently with my Marshall SupaFuzz build, and reflowing the solder fixed the issue...

Check these videos and see if this is what you are experiencing regarding the high pitched noise:

The issue about dirty bypassed signal sounds like you have a solder bridge on your switch, making it bleed trough into your bypassed signal.
Thats where I would look first, as a bypassed signal should be clean if you have hooked up the switch correctly.

Anyway... I'm no expert, but these are some of the things that pops to mind when reading your post...
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

Both the oscillation and the dirty bypass sound like bad switch wiring, possibly a solder bridge, as Neil suggested. Some unintended connection is probably feeding your output back into your input. I would bet it's a single fault causing both symptoms.

Post photos of the switch, board  and other wiring, and we'll probably be able to help you get it sorted.
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

In reply to this post by NuckChorris
Did you test the circuit to make sure that everything worked as it should, before you boxed it up?

If you did, and it worked ok, then the error must be with your offboard wiring. Carefully go over all your connections to ensure they are hooked up to the correct places, and yes, check your ground connections.

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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

Ok. I ran a ground wire from the two jumpered lugs on my footswitch to the output Jack ground. That killed the bypassed high pitched squeal. Man was it hard to fit all of that in a 1590b box! Had to put the board in with the soldered side up and put a piece of thin single ply cardboard between it and the bottom plate to keep anything from grounding out. But, after all of that the pedal sounds great! You can really get a lot of different kinds of really good useable tones from the Ecstasy
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

Yes, I like the Wampler pedals I have done from here, too. The Plexi (with or without trimmers) is also a winner. Glad you got it sorted out.

Having a jumper cable can often help you find a lot of problems, especially grounding issues.
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Re: Pedal works but LED doesn't.

Yep. I used a jumper to solve the high pitched whine. :)