Pickup Shaper

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Pickup Shaper

Pickup resonance shifter and modifier.

Schematic can be found here. The circuit description is here.

The post volume Fet amp is on a second board in case you want to substitute your own favorite booster in it's place.

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Re: Pickup Shaper


Too bad, the demo in the link is not there, anymore.

Maybe I'll try it on the breadboard, but my list is very long!
I build pedals
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Re: Pickup Shaper

In reply to this post by Axldeziak
I guess you can call this one verified.
Cant say that I am amazed with what it does (will need to experiment more), but all the pots and switch does what they are supposed to.

Thanks for the layout!
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Re: Pickup Shaper

Glad to hear it worked!